Subject: ~Pilot Speaks Out About Heart Cure!


As a pilot, I know from experience that there's no room
for error. Both the plane and the aviator must be operating

Today, pilots are losing their ability to fly due to poor
cardiovascular health. Their dreams of flying have taken
an unsuspecting nose dive.

For many though, Cardio FX has put them back in the control
seat! One pilot recently emailed me to say;

"I have been using CardioFX for about 6 months and it has really helped
with the blood pressure. It was 140 plus over 80. Now it's down to 112
over 71 and holding."

Sadly, very few air men know that they have Cardio FX as an option.

[Get CardioFX now at]

According to the FAA, tens of thousands of pilots will lose there ability
to fly over the next 10 years due to poor health.

Commonly used prescription drugs like ace-inhibitors and beta-blockers
won't save them. In fact, they will only add to the problem due to side-
effects like weight gain, diabetes and even cancer.

Unlike these risky outcomes, Cardio FX only helps strengthen your
cardiovascular system. It does this by releasing tension within the
arterial walls, stopping unruly blood clots and even helping the heart beat
stronger and more efficiently.

Another Cardio FX user proved it to himself after a routine doctors visit.

"I hate long emails also, but there is a lot to say so please bear with me.
I’m a Vietnam Vet who was exposed to agent orange in 67/68. I had a son
born in ‘77 that died 5 days after he was born because of it. (according
to the Dr.)"

"I had 6 heart by-passes in Jan 2000...I had 3 heart attacks in 2011 and
let them do 2 stints ( ok I was still a dumbass)"

"I was suffering from congestive heart failure and was going down hill
fast. I became allergic to the cholesterol meds in 2004 and started to
read. One of the best articles was yours, and I have been reading you

"I bought some CardioFX but didn't take it for very long."

"I had been doing H2O2 and chelation since 2004."

"My Dr told me that I was in critical congestive heart failure and of
course even though he is a “natural Dr.” he wanted to put me on drugs."
"My legs and feet were swollen so bad I could hardly walk and cannot do any
IV's because of the fluid retention."

"I started taking the cardio fx ( 3 / 3 times a day ) and within one week
the Dr said the heart improvement was incredible! I was no longer in danger
of a heart attack and parts of my heart that were not working properly were
now working well."

"I tried to cut back to the recommended 3/2 times per day but it isn't
quite enough yet."

"Everyone who sees me can't believe how much better I look. I even started
doing some work around the farm! My blood pressure is lower than it has
been since before 1995 (when I started taking it) - 117 / 78 average!"

"Cardio FX has been a real life saver for me ...... Thanks for your
intelligence and your guts to fight the system..."

- Dan, Michigan

Living young is in your genes, poor health is not. Start putting Cardio FX
to use at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist