Subject: (Pics!) Pregnancy Weight Gone!

Pregnancy Weight Gone in 6 Months
Fact:  Most women use pregnancy as an excuse to remain obese.

For Tulia, that wasn't an option.

"Last year I was 36 years old, 124 lbs, and a size 2 when I got pregnant," she writes. "My husband and I had been trying for a little bit, so I was like ‘Yay, holy shit, it finally happened!!! However, my hormones did go haywire…normal pregnancy stuff. I had to figure out how to still be healthy, give the most nutrients to my baby, and feel somehow normal all at the same time."

So, Tulia followed the AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery.

I'm not talking about trudging 2 hours on a treadmill or eating only celery sticks all day long…(both of which DESTROY your hormones!)…Tulia ate REAL food and did my 18-minute workout (Google it)…and looked better than ever....In total, this was all part of the 6 habits in the AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery that help women master their hormones.

"I've been a TPC fan for years," she writes. "Heck, Shane knows me personally. Just like him or his hot wife, "I made these habits a part of my life."

For the dummies reading this, HABITS (not genes) control your life and your health. Tulia followed the simple protocol outlined in AMPM Fat Loss, and burned off all her pregnancy weight like clockwork.

"I continued with my routines (6 simple habits), I ate healthy fats, 3 meals a day and a small snack for my baby at nights. I did the 18-minute workout two to three times a week, sometimes 4 times but that was rare. I gained almost 40 lbs and my ass had never looked that big or that good…LOL, heck I had no ass before."

"My baby was finally born at home in the water. It was a girl! (We did not know the gender of the baby prior). I took my time to recover, but never went out of schedule on my routines! Six months later I feel healthy and strong, size 2 again, and 128 lbs. I have absolutely no time to go to the gym. When the baby sleeps, I got to my garage and do the 18-minute workouts, adding weights to challenge myself…3 times a week. It fuckin works! People tell me it's my genes. I said no way — it's my hormones and my should have seen me 8 years ago...LOL!"

Well done, Tulia!

Habits never fail to work, as long as you know what they are.

People who blame their body size on "genetics" are just lazy, irresponsible whales. (No offense to actual whales.)

Weight is not about genes. Even if you have the so-called worst genes on the planet, you can still overcome them by eating three meals a day (outlined in "The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet" book), and by doing my 18-minute workout three times a week to challenge and shock your muscles.

When your muscles get shocked the appropriate way, your body activates "hormesis" — which then leads to fat burning.

Doing this consistently over time ensures your body's "hormonal intelligence" is operating at peak levels. Over time, this leads to effortless fat-burning and lean, sexy muscle.

If Tulia can bounce back to 128 pounds after pregnancy, anyone can. Get started by ordering 

Warning: It's not a fad diet. It's a lifestyle. You'll need to make some changes to transform your fat blubbery body into a sexy, sculpted work of art.

And yes, it's safe for pregnant women to use.

Thousands have already successfully done lost weight by following the principles in AMPM Fat Loss. They're all regular everyday people, just like you. See before and after pics at

Ditch the fruit…ditch the sugar…toss the excuses. Order AMPM Fat Loss and start burning fat immediately. This package comes with a FREE copy of "The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet" book!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. None of the people on my website are paid models or actors. I don't go for that shit.  They're just real, normal people who made a decision to burn off their fat and keep it off. And yes, you can even do AMPM Fat Loss while you're pregnant, like Tulia did! Order and find out what it takes to be a "HIT" man or woman, no matter what size you're starting out at!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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