Subject: ~People's Chemist: Instead of Vaccines!

One Reason None of My 4 Kids are Vaccinated
As a chemist, I'm very vocal about not vaccinating my kids. In a world where congress has admitted to having a full on epidemic in vaccine related illnesses, we couldn't be happier about our choice.  It's paid off more than any other decision we've ever made for them. 

Over the last 15 years my wife and I have watched their peers get vaccinated and go down hill mentally and physically due to severe neurological damage. 

Sometimes the changes were drop-dead shocking...and sad beyond belief. Meanwhile, our kids have prospered. And when they get sick, they rebound lightening fast thanks to natural immunity...which technically is their immune system building and adapting to its surroundings.

You see, everyone is at risk from various "biological nasties." Invisible threats are everywhere. A single gram of feces can contain more than 10 million viruses, 1 million bacteria, 1,000 parasite cysts and 100 parasite eggs. 

From the hands we shake, the water we drink and the mats we wrestle on, nowhere is safe…unless you’ve built natural immunity. This firewall acts as our God-given protection from the incalculable number of threatening microorganisms.

The importance of our body’s ability to protect itself is best identified by Professor S. Gard, member of the Staff of Professors of the Royal Caroline Institute. Speaking to The Nobel Prize Committee, he warned that "The capacity of developing [natural] immunity is one of the most important means of defense, of decisive importance for the survival of the individual and the species." 

In time, demystifying the mysterious complexities of self-protection and how to harness it became the focus for some of the top scientific minds.  One of the most interesting discoveries in natural immunity occurred in 1908. 

Venerable scientists Ilya Mechnikov and Paul Ehrlich revealed how our immune system is armed with a special set of destroyer cells known as phagocytes.  Robust and resilient, the average person has about six billion of these armed sentries ready to engulf and eliminate foreigners - bacteria and virus.

In 2011, Bruce Beutler and Jules Hoffmann observed that the immune system is pre-programmed to identify self and non-self. This discovery single handedly proved that we are hardwired to build immunity, outside of vaccination. This work paved the way for future scientists to discover how our body thwarts numerous types of pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria, virus, fungi, and parasites.

Arguing in favor of vaccines, pro-vaccine parents insist that newborns lack immunity. Pushing for more shots for everyone else, they shout that herd immunity is the best protection for the young, unvaccinated. They couldn't be more wrong.

Natural immunity is a biological gift from our mothers and DNA. According to more award winning science, natural protection is fully developed in the earliest stages of life. 

First, it’s passed from mom and after a few weeks or months it’s fully developed in newborns. Plus, thanks to "immunological memory, it lasts a lifetime and elucidates why we are protected from the millions of other known microorganism that we don't have vaccines for!

Scientist Sir Peter Medawar and his co-workers presented their experimental evidence to prove the validity of immunologic memory in 1963. "Immunity is our perhaps most important defense against a hostile surrounding world. By penetrating analysis of existing data and brilliant deduction, and painstaking experimental research you have unveiled a fundamental law governing the development and maintenance of this vital mechanism. On behalf of the Caroline Institute, I extend to you our warm congratulations, and ask you to receive the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine from the hands of His Majesty the King," wrote the Nobel Prize committee.

To this day, Medwar’s observation has been abundantly confirmed. His work was the foundation for developing medicine to shut down organ rejection among transplant patients. Otherwise, immunological memory would work against patients and attack foreign tissue as if it was being infected from outside threats. This same observation also puts a spotlight on the achilles tendon of vaccine supporters who insist that vaccination is the only road to protection form childhood diseases.

But, you have to support these Gatekeepers of health with proper hygiene, sanitation and, what I term, nutrient logic. Without phagocytes, the ability to identify self from non-self and immunological memory, natural immunity is diminished. This forgotten logic dictates that today’s health and immunity threats are simply the result of gaping nutrient deficiencies, which deny the body its’ ability to grow, build immunity and protect itself.

Nutrient logic addresses the deficiency by filling the nutritional void or malnutrition to restore proper cellular and immune function. Akin to a pharmacist doling out meds, the body becomes its' own advocate and begins to produce custom made medications to enhance survival, through nutrient logic.

The process is as simple and logical as resurrecting a dying, sun-deprived plant with sun exposure and water, which initiates photosynthesis for the production of life-giving glucose. That same innate intelligence guides our own health and immunity when we obtain essential molecules - nutrients - from nature.

Just as hand washing and soap ( saved millions from infant mortality caused by unwanted intruders in a hospital setting, nutrient logic boosts our natural defenses. Reams of scientific data show that natural birth, breastfeeding, Norwegian’s mainstay of health, cod liver oil and andrographis ( are among the most important nutrients for building and protecting our children’s natural defenses.

Ditch the meds!

The People's Chemist

P.S. ALERT! Immune FX ( has been sold out for weeks! We are expecting to take and fill orders in a week. It's very possible that the manufacturing run will be sold fast! I'm working to have a new batch made to prevent selling out again. Once announced Immune FX is first come, first serve.  All current orders waiting will be filled first! Hurry and stock up today at 
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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