Subject: ~People's Chemist: 3 Worst Meds Hardcover FREE (1 Hour Left!)

The People's Chemist
Stop Sugar Damage, Get 3 Worst Meds Book, FREE!
(No Cheap Sales Ploy Here! Just Something to Get You Off Your A##, To Make Better Health Choices and Smarten Up!)
Cinnergy 3 Pack + 3 Worst Meds
A fan just emailed to moan that "understanding sugar is so hard..."

It's not.

Sugar is bad for you.


You can stop reading...unless you want to learn how to reverse the sugar curse.

If getting off sugar and living young isn't enough to get you into action, how about a FREE hardcover of 3 Worst Meds?

...for just 1 hour!

The term sugar refers to sucrose, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup and milk sugars such as lactose and maltose. It has a long history of wanton destruction.

As a medicinal chemist, I've been studying it for over 25 years...most people havent spent 25 seconds in their entire life thinking about sugar.  But, they choke it down on the daily like crack addicted monkeys looking for their next fix.

Christopher Columbus began cultivating sugar on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. Within decades, the rain forest had been cleared and the native population was completely eliminated by disease and war courtesy of the ravenous craving and profit that come with sugar production.

In time, the demand birthed the slave trade! 

African slaves were shipped over to carry on...Sugar, greed and addiction fueled these injustices and gave us the sugar overdose that we know now.

In 1700 the average Englishman consumed 4 pounds a year. A hundred years later, the average man ate 18 lbs. In 1870, 47 pounds annually. By 1900, a whopping 100 pounds a year were being choked down.

Today, it’s worse and people are dropping like flies from it, yet wanting more! Most teenagers have no idea the type of talent they have as athletes because they are so filled with sweets, their lungs are caving in from the fat hanging from their bones...

And most teen girls are clueless to how beautiful they were born to be courtesy of the sugar addiction they were born to grow up under...

You can thank popular media and Big Food for continuing to shove sugar down our throats...It's an obesity conspiracy.

Did I just say "conspiracy?"

Damn right.

Just the other day I read in The New York Times that medical researchers now “suggest that dieters should eat cake for breakfast” as a method for controlling hunger throughout the day.

If that’s not proof that there’s a master plan to put us all into The Fat Cow Hall of Fame, or that the medical community is a bunch of f@#$ing clowns, I don’t know what is.

The more sugar you eat, the shorter your lifespan....It starts with high triglycerides.

A triglyceride is a sugar molecule attached to a fat molecule...When triglycerides are high, it means that you have too much sugar in your blood.

That means you could be headed for a dastardly outcome...

In addition to latching on to a fat molecule, sugar also combines with amino acids...That yields something called an AGE product. (The technical term is Advanced Glycated End product)

Floating in your blood, AGE products SCAR the walls of arteries, causing them to get weak and frail - the perfect storm for heart attack. You can measure these with an A1C test - the higher it is the more scarring.

That's not all.

Writing for The American Journal of Pathology, scientists tell us that, "Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) have also been reported to play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease."

Therefore, high triglycerides put you at severe risk of heart attack and memory loss.

Anything that lowers triglycerides, is going to increase lifespan while raising quality of life.

That's why I designed CINNERGY!

Cinnergy PLUMMETS triglycerides and AGE products.

It pulls sugar out of the blood like nothing else can...

Buy a 3 pack now and I'll take off 15% and toss in 3 Worst Meds, FREE!  Hurry: 

(I'm also NOT charging for shipping!)

Huffington Post reported that cinnamon can be at preserving life's most precious moments. They wrote that, "Researchers from the University of California, Santa Barbara, found that the cinnamon compounds cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin could help stop "tangles" of tau protein -- notorious in the memory-robbing neurodegenerative disease [Alzheimer's disease] -- from forming in the brain."

You can verify too how effective Cinnergy is with a blood test! 

A recent fan sent us the email raving about his.

"Shane, I am a living testimonial to your product Cinnergy. As history has it my triglyceride count was 250-300 for the last 20 yrs. Recently I started taking Cinnergy, I just recieved my last blood results from my doctor- triglycerides @ 104. Awesome. And you may print that!" - Dan

Preserve your health and stop worrying! Hurry, while supplies last!


(I'm also NOT charging for shipping!)

WARNING: If you are not diabetic, you only need to take this once or twice per week! (Thus, one bottle LASTS a very long time.)

Cinnergy is 4-5 time more potent than any other cinnamon product on the market! And it is the LEAST EXPENSIVE FORM OF CINNAMON AND MILK THISTLE

Even better, it does not have any coumarin, a potentially dangerous product in cinnamon. It only has the medicinal ingredients required to LOWER BLOOD

Buy a 3 pack now and I'll take off 15% and toss in 3 Worst Meds, FREE! Hurry:

(I'm also NOT charging for shipping!)

If you go sloth on me and ignore this offer, it's on you...nothing destroys your health more than sugar.  Therefore, ill health is self-imposed!

Don't want to quit sugar?  Fine.  

At the very least, get off your A## and start taking Cinnergy so that your body can process it without eating away at your insides and your memory!!  And why not get a FREE book in the process that shows you how your meds are totally worthless and sabotaging your health?

Buy a 3 pack now and I'll take off 15% and toss in 3 Worst Meds, FREE! Hurry:

(I'm also NOT charging for shipping!)

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. You can still take Cinnergy if you're on fact, its recommended due to its VAST LIVER protecting abilities! 

P.P.S. I just stocked up HUGE on Cinnergy! Just two weeks ago I ran out!  But currently, I have MASSIVE inventory! Buy a 3 pack now and I'll take off 15% and toss in 3 Worst Meds, FREE! Hurry:
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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