Subject: Pastor Becomes HIT Man - Fat Melts Fast


HIT (Hormonal Intelligence Therapy) Men age slower. They also
have enhanced libido and renewed vitality throughout
the day.

But better than all of that, HIT Men burn fat and build muscle
day and night – while avoiding today’s biggest pandemic
killers like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Just ask “Pastor Bert.” Below is his unsolicited testimony:
“I felt compelled to share just how much energy I have after
enjoying the AMPM for one month. Yesterday, October 14, began
at 5:30 a.m. with exercise. 5:30am because I had early hospital
visits and a church member having surgery. Got back to town
around noon. This being Wednesday, it is an afternoon full of
counseling and a two hour class with our 7th & 8th graders
after school!”

“Still feeling good, had supper with the family and then back
to church for one more evening counseling session. It is now
8:30 pm and I am not tired! So . . . . spent 45 minutes
scrubbing the ceiling in the bathroom where we have a continuing
mold challenge! (Worked up a good sweat doing that!)”

“Then another 30 minutes or so fixing a slow leak under the
kitchen sink! 10:30 to 11:00 I finally sat down and enjoyed the
last 30 minutes of my weekly MMA show!”

“Slept like a baby and here it is Thursday morning!”
“After one month on the AMPM Fat Loss Program and 24 lbs gone
[started at 250lbs]! Just can’t get over the amazing results
in only one month! THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS”

– Pastor Bert

How did the Pastor lose so much fat so fast?

Time Magazine recently described hormone intelligence therapy
(HIT) as "overlapping systems" that control metabolism and

The hormones highlighted were ghrelin for its ability to turn
off hunger, leptin for its ability to ward off excess fat,
cholecystokinin to tell us when it's time to stop eating, human
growth hormone to preserve skin and muscle tone, and many, many
more that work in orchestra-like unison. When operating properly,
the hormonal "systems" confer the perfect metabolism for low body
fat and sexy, well defined muscle - at any age.

But you can’t be hormonally ignorant!

To awaken your hormonal intelligence, The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery
targets fat cells on SEVEN different levels:

Level One: Displaces adenosine at receptor site. Key ingredients
in The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery package work day and night to
counteract adenosine, which in high amounts STUNTS FAT BURNING
in favor of FAT STORING.

Level Two: Stimulates beta-adrenergic receptors. This converts
fat to heat and energy. It makes your body use calories more
efficiently and helps your body better respond to exercise.

Level Three: You will amplify your own production of
norepinephrine and other compounds produced by the adrenals. HIT
men and women bring adrenals back to life for 24/7 fat

Level Four: Obliterate estrogen dominance in Men and Women and
boost testosterone. This wards off insulin resistance and high
blood sugar while at the same time brings a lame libido back to
life. It also helps the skin look more lively and vibrantly

Level Five: Activates and enzyme known as hormone sensitive
lipase. This will further help lower insulin and drastically
plummet high blood sugar.

Level Six: Optimize your own output of human growth hormone
(hGH). Unique amino acid blend in Whey Advanced provides the
body with amino acid building blocks so that your internal pharmacy
can produce a wide array of anti-aging hormones like hGH and

Level Seven: Trigger your own production of "feel good
molecules" that exist such as dopamine and ALL of its
derivatives in unison for total mental health.

The Problem with the Supplement Industry?

They ignore the biochemical fact that your body can make hormones
that heal by itself when you give it the proper raw ingredients!

They’d rather sell us vitamin D sprays, funky fish oils or outlandish
wine extracts while wooing us with warm fuzzy sales rhetoric, which
implies that our health is simply a matter of choking down a handful
of nutritional supplements.

You know it's a lie!

Our health is a direct result of our weight because a lean body
optimize Hormonal Intelligence Therapy (HIT). And once done HIT
controls all bodily functions (like the production of testosterone)
in a way that wards off premature aging!

Make a decision now to commit to 90 days of fat loss! Face it,
fat covers our true physique, making us appear flabby, weaker
and less toned.

It imprisons our body, depriving us of our confidence, self-esteem
and overall outlook on life.

It’s time to be relentless; be who you really are.

Get some balls (like Pastor Bert) and fight fat right back!

Force your fat to sweat. Force your fat to build muscle. Force
your fat to energize you. Force your fat to melt with my help!

As your fat dissipates, your freedom grows. Your true physique
emerges. People start to notice. Your spouse compliments you.
There will be a point that you’ll have to buy smaller, better
fitting clothes, even a new bathing suit. Confidence is free to
breath and all other areas of your life get better! You learn
that health is the new wealth. You are empowered.

And it only takes a matter of 90 days!

Take action now at

This is the true anti-aging solution and your investment is less
than $3 per day! Work with me directly at

To HIT Men and Women,

Shane Ellison, M.S.
Author, Organic Chemist