Subject: Parents Addicting Kids to Sugar? Babies!?


Addicted to Sugar Since Birth? What about after?

In my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded, I highlighted
studies showing that sugar was more addicting than cocaine.

Think about that for a minute…Something in your kids lunch box is more
addictive than street drugs. Is it just as harmful? Is the occasional treat
ruining them later in life?

It's time for a 4 minute science lesson.

The term sugar drefers to sucrose, or table sugar. When isolated from
nature - like cocaine from the coca leaf - it becomes a drug. This means,
according to the FDA, that it’s now a “substance (other than food) intended
to affect the structure or any function of the body.”

Like fraternal twins, sugar and cocaine are both isolated using harsh
acids, bleaching and a series of purification steps that are performed by
chemists in a laboratory or processing plant. Atomically, they only differ
by a nitrogen atom. Otherwise, they share very similar biochemical

Both drugs cause cardiovascular diseases.

Both drugs over stimulate the pleasure centers in the brain.

Both drugs are highly addictive.

In fact, you can be born addicted to both courtesy of your mom - sugar
addicted babies have to be hooked up to a sugar-drip to curb withdraw of
severely low blood sugar, hypoglycemia.

Once dissolved on the tongue, the perfectly sweet crystals of sugar cause
the brain to release pain-relieving compounds known as opioids, thereby
relieving stress. Simultaneously, dopamine is released in mass amounts,
eliciting artificial feel good.

It's like true love for the sugar addict.

But, it's short lived.

Referred to as the sugar crash, the high evaporates quickly. The brain
chemicals just can’t keep up. Nor can blood sugar. Both plummet. Users
are left feeling lethargic, depressed and wanting more. Withdraw sets in.

This roller coaster injects enormous cravings for all the things that
trigger the pleasure center: more sugar and even illicit drugs, alcohol,
and nicotine. That’s why abstaining from any single one without
addressing the addiction is futile. Ultimately, users will just bounce
back and forth - sugar, to alcohol, to nicotine, rinse, repeat.

Sugar was my nemesis as a teen. It was nearly impossible to find pleasure
outside of a sugar fix or anything that resembled it. Instead of chasing
girls, my dreams or straight A's, I was chasing sugar, alcohol and cigarettes.

Like a cocaine addict, the more sugar you have, the more you want, regardless
of how sick it makes you. And this is why it's nonsensical to deal sugar
to your kids "as a treat." It's manipulative and unfair.

From an evolutionary perspective, this all makes sense. The inherent
desire for sweetness - courtesy of reward centers in the brain - drives
survival. It’s in our best interests for our brain to force us to seek
out food. However, when manipulated by processed sugar, this desire grows
into an unhealthy dependence on sugary foods. That dependence parlays into
diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Unknown to most, the best way to break the addiction is to increase your
sensitivity to it. The more sensitive your body is to sugar, the less you
crave. That where and
come into play.

This combo supplement program forces the body to convert blood
sugar to energy. This lowers glucose and insulin. Once lowered the body
is better able to use existing sugars in the blood and no longer craves it
from outside sources. It also helps deter the sugar blues and the cravings
that come with getting off sugar.

At the same time, a diet rich in organic meats, eggs, vegetables, avocados,
coconut oil, whey, raw milk and butter is mandatory. Add my 18-minute workout
(Google it) and you're on your way to living young and feeling great, no drugs

Dare to Live Young,

The People’s Chemist