Subject: ~Panel Says Aspirin Does What!????


What do you do when you can’t use real SCIENCE to rationalize the safe
and effective use of meds?

Answer: You assemble a group of clowns into a panel to vote on safety
and efficacy. Then you advertise what the bozos voted on. (Hint: the
vote is always in favor of the meds!)

Need an example?


In order to make aspirin more attractive, a U.S.-backed panel of
independent “medical experts” recommended that people between the ages
of 50 and 59 years — who are at an increased risk of heart disease and
stroke — should take low-dose aspirin daily.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (whatever the hell that is) spews
more sales ploys…

They say that in addition to preventing heart attacks and strokes, aspirin
may also help those people reduce their risk of colon cancer if they take
the infamous little white pills for at least 10 years.

See. Clowns.

Why stop there? Why not add that aspirin can also help you get a bigger
tax refund?

It’s all nonsense.

Hyping aspirin use been happening for so long that my give-o-f#ck meter
hasn’t budged with these recent headlines.

FACT: Aspirin eats the insides of your stomach. It’s like a shark eating
your insides.

You didn’t know that?

Now you do.

More people die in the aspirin treated group than do in the non-treated
from side-effects…And that comes from the pharmaceutically funded studies
that are conveniently hidden!

While a recent Yahoo Health article seeks “additional clarity on the
aspirin-for-heart-health debate,” I say…there’s no additional clarity

Taking aspirin in a losing game for your health. Period.

But hey, it’s easy to fool the masses.

Just have a panel of “experts” vote on it. Before you know it, grandpa
is asking his doctor if it’s right for him…

“No, that drug is not right for you,” said no doctor in the history of
medicine…When will people realize that MD’s are pharmaceutical foot

If you want to TRULY protect yourself from heart disease, turn instead to
the natural health supplement, hawthorn.

Hawthorn is nature’s true miracle cure…I’m saying that because not
only do I want to sell it to you below, but it’s also a proven fact and I
want you to live young, like the woman I’m about to introduce…

The miracles of hawthorn we're discovered far before I was even born.

Even today, studies are proving its massive benefit to longevity.

“Hawthorn can help improve the amount of blood pumped out of the heart
during contractions, widen the blood vessels, and increase the transmission
of nerve signals. Hawthorn also seems to have blood pressure-lowering
activity, according to early research. It seems to cause relaxing of the
blood vessels farther from the heart. It seems that this effect is due to a
component in hawthorn called proanthocyanidin,” says

Hands down, the best heart disease prevention medicine comes from

However, it’s not a drug. It’s a plant. The leaves, berries, and
flowers of hawthorn are used to make real medicine. But since it
doesn't come with patent rights, no pharmaceutical company in the
world will sell it...

Hawthorn is so powerful and effective, it’s actually considered to be an
approved drug in Europe. You can find positive quotes about hawthorn
everywhere! Just Google it, even.

And it won’t eat your f&%cking stomach like a ravenous shark…Aspirin
will, though.

Cardio FX - found at - is loaded with hawthorn. But
not just any hawthorn.
Using my experience as a chemist and my lab, we press the purest form of
hawthorn and compound that several times to yield an ultra-potent hawthorn

No other company in the world does that.

Cardio FX also has grape seed extract, garlic, and magnesium citrate. I
designed this supplement to be a safe, effective way to nourish the entire
cardiovascular system.

While aspirin has an embarrassingly high death toll…Cardio FX works to
“bulletproof” your body against heart disease and stroke and comes with
absolutely NO SIDE EFFECTS.

Plus, Cardio FX enhances your body’s ability to distribute nutrients and
oxygen in a more efficient manner. This ultimately slows the aging process
and gives you your life back.

This is not an exaggeration. Just last night I got this email from a
Cardio FX user:

“I stopped taking BP meds several months back, started taking CardioFX.
I was on BP meds for about 4 years and had nothing but problems! I clean
our little office after everybody else leaves at 3:30. While I was taking
the BP meds, I could not stand and sweep the floor for more than 5 minutes
at a time; I would get muscle spasms in my lower back and pain so bad that
I had to sit down for 30 minutes for every 5 that I was on my feet! After
halting the BP meds and switching to natural remedies, I was full of energy
and full of life which I had not been for 4 years. I was also gaining
weight continuously. No matter what I did, (exercise was not an option,
since I could not stand for more than 5 minutes) cutting out soda, ice
cream, sugar and coffee creamer, skipping meals, I kept gaining weight.
Since I stopped the BP meds, all my clothes are all but falling off of me!
I can wear pants that I could not previously pull up past mid-thigh (and
they are loose!) and shirts that I could not even bring together in front
to button!”

“I am forever in your debt, Mr. Ellison for opening my eyes. Thank you
for helping get off of those evil BP meds that were doing nothing but
making me feel more depressed and rotten day by day and almost turned me
into an invalid. Now I can walk forever without getting tired. I can walk
my little dog again. On BP meds I could only walk to the end of our
building and had to come back, out of breath, exhausted and with screaming
muscle spasms in my back. You gave me my life back. Thank you for what
you did for me and everybody else you helped to get shed of the evil

This is what panels of experts do: They rob people of living young while
enriching their pharmaceutical masters.

Don’t believe it? Slap yourself and wake up.

Awake now?


Never again settle for a poisonous drug, no matter which official panel of
dorks are voting for it.

Instead, protect yourself and live young with

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Remember to avoid aspirin at all costs! If it doesn’t kill you,
expect it to destroy the inside of your gut. Instead, use the safe natural
supplement hawthorn, which is proven by science to protect the heart from
disease. Cardio FX is loaded with hawthorn! Get my
book while you're at it at so you can learn
more and help others get the information they need to trash meds and live