Subject: ~PARENTS: These Vitamins Will Make Your Kids Sick!


If a parent wants to choke down a "vitamin" because they saw a celebrity
promoting it or because it has the words "essential" or "omega-whatever"
on it, they have that right.

But, if you're giving a child a vitamin without questioning it
then it's my job to help you become a better parent.

(Or, slap you silly with a medical journal.)

Did you know that Poison Control receives over 60,000 reports
of vitamin toxicity every year!?

Sure, anything can be poisonous in large enough doses. But, not
everything leads to cancer and heart failure when it's in a vitamin
or lurking in food under the guise of "fortification!"

For instance, if your kids are taking "folic acid" or "vitamin D" or even
"iron," then they're at huge risk for an assortment of nasty diseases!

Not cool!

Kids should be spraining their ankles on skateboards, not subject
to "vitamin toxicity!"

You can thank Big Pharma.

Ever since man learned about "vitamins," the industry has been churning
out synthetic fakes and labeling them as "healthy." This makes them
rich, your kids sick.

Among populations who consume folic acid, cancer rates shoot up 30%!

Look at your pill labels.

If you see folic acid, vitamin D, iron, chromium, beta-carotene, then trash it!

When these come from NATURE, they are lifesaving.

When they come from a lab, they kill.


For an all-natural vitamin drink, see my favorite recipe:

Giving this to my kids helps me rest easy as a parent because I know
it's helping them fend off disease, not cause it!


Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist