Subject: ~Outrage Sale Back! 20% Off (Today Only)

The Outrage Sale is back!

Like I always say, if you're not outraged about the meds being
sold, you're not paying attention!

Let me explain.

Aspirin, Tylenol, Motrin, Ibuprofen, it's all garbage...

One time, I watched a pro-cyclist brag about using his Vitamin I
(Ibuprofen) to get another lap during a 24 hr mountain bike race.

He was taken to the hospital 5 hours later for kidney damage.

Another time, my wife had a woman lying on the floor of her hair salon
writhing in pain. She was having an ulcer...caused by daily aspirin
prescribed by her doctor. The ambulance showed up and gave her
Ibuprofen for the pain...her pain got worse and she began bleeding

This is far too common.

Researchers writing for the medical journal Hepatology recently
showed that, “acetaminophen [Tylenol] poisoning now accounts for at
least 42% of U.S. acute liver failure cases seen at tertiary-care
centers [large hospitals] and one third of the deaths.”

According to the New England Journal of Medicine prescription and
over-the-counter painkillers like Ibuprofen, Tylenol, aspirin and Motrin
kill over 16,000 people, annually.

You'll never hear about this in the news...Obviously.

It's an outrage.

There's an alternative. It's called Relief FX.

And for the next 24 hours you can get it for 20% off at

"Relief FX is helping me so much with my feet and hands' neuropathy when
nothing else does anything for me to relieve the pain. Thank YOU for such a
wonderful product and helping me to get the poisons out of my system."

That was from a fan using Relief FX for severe pain...

Relief FX is my safe, natural supplement specifically designed to demolish
pain in minutes.

It replaces risky OTC pills...

For the next 24 hours I'm slashing 20% from the price. I try to offer this
as an "Outrage Sale" about once per month...'cause it's an outrage how
many people risk their liver and kidney for quick relief.

It doesn't have to be risky. Get Relief FX now at a huge price discount:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Relief FX is safe enough for children and strong enough for the NFL!
Not only does it help with neuropathy — it also relieves pain from muscle
soreness, injury, menstrual cramps, headaches, and more. Avoid toxic
painkiller drugs!! Order

P.P.S. Not familiar with Relief FX? Learn all about it at