Subject: ~Ouch, That Hurt...(1-Hour Left for 20% Off!)

Only 1-hour left to save huge on Thermo FX, Thermo FX PM and
Serotonin FX! Buy each one as a package and you save 20%.

Additionally, I'll toss in my diet book and my diet CD outlining
pitfalls of ALL diets, absolutely FREE!

I'll also ship it FREE of charge.

Get it here before it's too late:

Just over 12-hours ago, I announced that this sale was coming to a close.

I also warned that you can't be overweight and healthy at the same time!

...and that's when the hate-mail started to pile up.

I was called all the names in the book: Sychophant, narcissist and

(Ouch...that hurt. NO! LOL)

The hate-mail is odd considering I was simply reporting the facts while offering a
dirt-cheap, easy solution for the growing obesity epidemic.

Look, I get it.

Your weight is your business.

I've been there.

Clocking in at 30% body fat and over 200 lbs, I really didn't give a sh@t what
people thought.

But I did care what I thought.

Deep down I knew I was letting myself slide.

I had all kinds of excuses for it, too.

However, none of them were worth shortening my lifespan over.

To live longer, I had to live thinner.

And that's when I started following the habits and using the "metabolic tricks"
outlined in a set of very old chemistry journals...

Our body is like a hybrid car. It can use fat, sugar or both, for energy.
When we are carrying too much weight, the body is favoring sugar
burning and fat storage. When we are lean, the body burns sugar and
fat! To make that happen, we need to flip our metabolic switches.

Technically those are known as beta-adrenoreceptors. Activate these
switches to the ON position and you start incinerating fat.

That's the secret that these journals held - how to activate fat burning
with botanical medicine!

And for over 20 years I've used these botanical extracts to ramp
up metabolisms around the world!

By activating your fat metabolism, you banish all the complications that
come with being overweight. You also live longer.

But, you have to get past whatever excuses you might have...

For all the others who are ready to learn and lose fat, save huge now!

1-hour left :

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist