Subject: ~Only for people who want DEEP sleep.


As a 5 week old, Aubrey feeds through the night.

Skyler is up at 6am, no exceptions. He makes car noises to insist
on going for ride in my 4-Runner. And when he gets in, he grunts and
points to my stereo for music. Demanding little guy...

Lily and Blair are up for school at the same time, breakfast
is already waiting.

A driven 13 year old, Lily has high school, jiu-jitsu and makes all-natural
soaps - the slow way. Her soap business requires more time than school.
She sells it faster than she makes it. (I have to be close by while she works
with the caustic lye solution.)

Blair has wrestling practice at 6pm.

I train jiu-jitsu every other day. My wife Lea-Ann always has the house
packed with the best organic foods and meals. She diligently gets her
18-min workout in. Between rounds, we run our business, write, research
and I stay current as a pilot.

When Slipknot is in town, I'm front row until about midnight.

The only way to keep this frenetic work schedule is to get deep
REM sleep. And that's very hard to do with 4 kids!

Without deep sleep, all of the above would crumble like a dry cookie.

There's zero space for fatigue.

But, that never happens because we use

It guarantees restful sleep.

I kid you not when I say it's the "healthiest crutch" in our house.

Crammed full of valerian and naturally-occurring L-tryptophan, it works on
receptors in the brain to activate deep, restful sleep. Instead of needing 9 hours
of "unrest," I can easily get by with 7 hours of very deep sleep thanks to

I take Serotonin FX 2 hours before bedtime. And without fail, I'm drowsy in an

Deep sleep is proven to protect against sugar cravings, heart disease,
diabetes, cancer and even Alzheimer's disease! So in addition to helping
me feel great, I also know I'm doing something awesome for my health.

When I wake up, it's 0 to 100 mph in about 15 seconds.

French press coffee is ready at the 3 minute mark. Over the next hour,
our house goes from a quiet solace to a storm of bustling activity. Mom's tossing
eggs at everyone, we juggle the babies, Blair looks for his workout clothes
for the 9th time...Lily insists that I'm a horrible father for waking her up...My
phone lights up with a string of texts a mile long...I wonder how many emails
have piled up....(I ignore most of them and just turn my phone off.)

Thank goodness for

Try it! You'll like it...And you won't ever have to choke down risky sleep
pills from your doctor.

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Buy 3 and get 15% off while supplies last at