Subject: Only ‘Cause It’s My Birthday

It's My Birthday, I'm Feeling Nice...Here's a Few Tips
Just hanging out enjoying a glass of wine for my 42nd birthday!  Nothing better than drinking fine Italian vino and hanging out with this hottie (1991 Ygay, 120lbs in a bikini, respectively.)

The kids will be fighting in 8 minutes so it won't last...

Kitchen talk, we always end up on the subject of chemistry (academic and sexual, don't worry, we're fucking married, fucking, it's all good.) and travel.  And since I'm feeling extra nice today, courtesy of 42 years of not caring what people think, I figured I'd invite you over...

I'm just winging it here, so don't hold me to grammar.  It's not like I'm writing this for world fame or even to impress you.  I prolly already lost half the readers with the sex talk.

And here goes the other half, lol...

We were just commenting on the Conspiracy Nuts ranting over the sad, unexpected deaths of 50 anti-vaxx docs, online.  I said it's more likely they killed themselves with vitamin D!

(Very few people at the party got that one...I know for fact one doctor was so enthralled by the ghostwritten articles he read about vitamin D that he was sucking down 10 times the recommended amount, daily!  Bio-accumulation is a bitch!  So too is synthetic vitamin D, known to suffocate the heart.)

Anyway, you can see why I'm down to about 5 people on my Contact List.  Not many like to hear random thoughts about my long-time relationship with usually shows the opposite of what people think.

Fuck what people think.

For instance, people think chromium picolinate increases lifespan courtesy of lowering blood sugar...Nah, just the opposite.

People think that lowering cholesterol increases lifespan, too.  Nah, just the opposite.

People think that drinking raw milk is risky, toxic and fattening...Nah, just the opposite.

Why the fuck are we going to have science if we aren't going to learn from it? 

Most of you know that my relationship to chemistry goes all the way back to curing myself of hypoglycemia at 14 years old.  Shortly after that as an unruly teen who only showed up to class on test day, I taught 'roiders how to use Mexican steroids. 

It's amazing what you can accomplish reading a book.

It came in handy in graduate school, too.  College students love buying barely legal party drugs.  

I guess I wasn't always the conscientious chemist..or was I? 

No matter what, I always told the truth.  I never passed judgement on what people wanted to do.  I simply made it a mission to provide the facts, based on reproducible results.

That's real science, not the checkbook science fueling the industry today and driving people into early graves courtesy of "following doctors orders."

What's also amazing to me? 

Thanks for asking.

...that so few people read!  

Gawd-Damn, how stupid can the average American be?  They still think that FDA approval is the mark of safety and efficacy...

How many FDA approved Vioxx pills does it take to kill your uncle?  


How many FDA approved opiates does it take to turn your grandma into an addict?


End of story.

People also still think voting matters...Here's a tip:  Vote with your dollar.  That's the only voting that matters.

I call it the Greenback party.  

Man, I remember when I was addicted to cigarettes.  I was 14 years old. In class, I chewed tobacco.  I made a deal with my high school biology teacher:  Let me sit in back and nobody will know I'm chewing...good?

He capitulated.  

I soaked up knowledge like a dry sponge in the Sahara, my spitter under the table.

Man, I was lucky to score athletic and academic scholarships...what a dumb ass I was.

I eventually quit tobacco for life courtesy of Lobelia, also known as Indian Tobacco.  It wiped away all my cravings.

That pearl came from The Native American Ethnobotany Database...just read a fucking book and bam, a crutch for my crutch.

Fast forward 20 years and here I am, circling the Earth as The People's Chemist, collecting hate mails for my choice of words, and making the best supplements in the world without having to prostitute myself on social media or network with fuckfaces online or on television.

Life is good.  And I'm going to ride the fucking wheels off it.

I sincerely hope you do, too.  

I know I'll forget your birthday, so here's an early happy birthday to you.  Thanks for being a fan and helping me kick ass.

That's why I make supplements...Especially ones like Daily Dose, loaded with boswellic acids.

Yet again, most people have no idea that boswellic acid is the single most important ingredient for building a bigger, healthier brain...the science has never been more clear or crisp!

Yet, you won't find it in stores!

Researchers have even referred to it as a "Godsend" for restoring and encouraging memory formation. And that's interesting — because it was the same active ingredient found in one of the gifts to baby Jesus from the three wise men, frankincense!

As many of you know, my all-new multi-vitamin, Daily Dose, now provides this much needed medicinal brain boost.

After researching it for 5 years and deciphering the best way to extract and put it into a capsule without fillers, flow agents or even the glue-like "veggie cap," boswellic acid is now safely provided in Daily Dose!

Like restoring our reflexes, boswellic acid restores the brain's ability to think, store information, and react faster. It's a must-have for brain fuel!

Stock up for more birthday memories at
Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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