Subject: ~Only 4 Hours Left: Hawthorn Discount and FREE Secret Health Files!

I'm on a mission to bolster your cardiovascular system! That means I'm
trying every trick in the book to get you on Cardio FX, my all-natural
blend of hawthorn, garlic, magnesium and grape seed extract!

Even by itself, hawthorn is one of the most effective medicines for
controlling blood pressure, strengthening the heart, busting clots and
increasing circulation! It's a must have. Just this morning, a fan wrote
to tell me how Cardio FX saved her friend from meds:

"I have a story to tell. I have been on Cardio FX, Joint FX, Cinnergy and
Daily Dose for the last several years. I was diagnosed with osteorarthritis
and high blood pressure. Today, I am not any prescription medications. I
am free of joint pain, my heart is doing great and my B/P is 106/75. I love
these products!"

"A friend of mine was hospitalized with A-Fib with blood pressure of
176/110. Vision problems and a borderline diabetes. He was on several heart
meds and when he was admitted to the ER they took him off all his meds. ( 6
in all). I gave him a bottle of of Cardio FX and Cinnergy and within a few
weeks he had no vision problems and B/P 123/84. He is now 106 / 72. He had
bloodwork and no more threat of diabetes! He has never felt so good!"

Cardio FX is the real-deal! Athletes, soccer moms, fat doesn't
matter. You need Cardio FX.

For the next 4 hours, I'm selling my ultra-popular Cardio FX 3-pack for
15% off and I'm tossing in my Secret Health Files for absolutely FREE!
That's a $97 value and I'll cover the SHIPPING!

Place your order at: (I'm shipping for FREE, too!)

This FREE education is vital for your ability to live young! It's like a
reprogramming of help you see how you're being manipulated into
a lifetime of meds and poorly made "vitamins."

It's also going to help you deflect all the garbage your read on social

In spite of clearly explained, proven facts, people still won’t believe
you when it comes to chemistry and it’s relation to health.

That’s why I quit social media over 9 years ago.

Every post that was supported by science, but counter to the status quo was
attacked. The mouth-breathing morons showed up in droves to share their own

“…but my chiropractor said eating 4-6 meals a day was the best way to
go to use weight.”

“My yoga instructor said dairy was bad and almond milk the best

“The guy who read my aura told me to drink alkaline water.”

“My trainer used to be a UFC fighter and told me to drink Pedialyte to

Being on social media made me feel like I was in school again. Nobody ever
did their homework and everyone just listened to the biggest loudmouth, who
was always wrong.

Signing off for the last time was a beautiful experience. I felt like I
was removing myself from the endless chatter that ultimately caused our
thinking to devolve.

Fact is, once people have invested time and money into a “belief,” and
recruited others publicly on social media, they must keep hailing its
praises or risk looking the fool. To force their beliefs, they will use
selective citation to quote celebrities, the CDC, and absurd media
headlines…anything to help their case.

Science will always be ignored. And doctors do the same with meds!

The only way to protect yourself from false beliefs online is to get the
facts from my Secret Health Files!

Stock up on Cardio FX today and it's yours FREE!

This hawthorn-rich product has been hailed by the top researchers, as well!

“Hawthorn can help improve the amount of blood pumped out of the heart
during contractions, widen the blood vessels, and increase the transmission
of nerve signals. Hawthorn also seems to have blood pressure-lowering
activity, according to early research. It seems to cause relaxing of the
blood vessels farther from the heart. It seems that this effect is due to a
component in hawthorn called proanthocyanidin."

— Scientists writing for

"One study found that hawthorn extract taken for 2 months was as effective
as low doses of captopril (a prescription heart medication) in improving
symptoms of heart failure."

— University of Maryland Medical Center

"In this prospective cohort study of well-characterized young and
middle-aged women with 18 years of follow-up and repeated measures of
dietary intake, we observed that a higher intake of anthocyanins [from
grape seed extract] was associated with a 32% reduction in risk of MI
[heart attack] and that this inverse association was independent of
established dietary and non-dietary CVD risk factors."

— Scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health in the United
States and the University of East Anglia writing for The Journal of the
American Heart Association

"These results suggest that the antihypertensive effect of
proanthocyanidins [hawthorn] is due to vasorelaxation via an
endothelium-dependent nitric oxide/cGMP pathway, and that proanthocyanidins
might be useful in dietary lowering of blood pressure"

— Scientists writing for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry

Place your order at: (I'm shipping for FREE, too!)

Only 4 hours left!

And don't worry, there are no risky medication interactions with Cardio FX!

Save big now at: (I'm shipping for FREE, too!)

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. This special ends in 4 hours! Also, our FREE shipping for orders
over $50 ends SOON!