Subject: Only 1-Hour Left to Save Big on Serotonin FX!

OK! This is it.

I'm on the final countdown for my wife's
FREE honey-sweetened cake recipe and 15% off Serotonin FX with
FREE shipping - the best valerian and L-tryptophan offer, ever!

My goal isn't to get you eating more cake.

I want you sleeping better and learning how to avoid cane sugar on
your you can have more of them.

Buy a 3-pack of Serotonin FX (the world's most potent, all-natural sleep
aid!) and I'll take 15% off, ship for FREE and give you our cake recipe!

Only 1 more hour left:

If you don't learn to get sugar out of your life, you're risking your life.
Over and above obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer, you also
risk dementia… and if not addressed or prevented it can lead to
Alzheimer’s disease.

“In Alzheimer’s disease, nerve cells throughout the brain die off, and
abnormal proteins accumulate in the brain for reasons not entirely known.
Vascular dementia, in contrast, is the result of impaired blood flow to the
brain, usually by a series of small, imperceptible strokes.”

Researchers are trying to figure out how sugar plays a role in all of this
…but my 4-year-old son, Skyler, could tell you the quick answer: “Sugar
is poison.”

Specifically, it causes a huge spike in glucose and insulin. In the brain,
this is termed Type III diabetes. Both cause brain cells to become
shellacked in grimy, sticky proteins that can cloud out or steal memory.

...all because of a sweet tooth!!!!!

Sadly, most people won’t ever give up sugar. It’s an attachment that is
stronger than cocaine!

Hence they’ll get fat…likely get diabetes…probably get dementia…and
then the unimaginable can set in. Names get forgotten. Life evaporates.

If you want to protect yourself from this madness start using honey.

The Journal of Medicinal Food showed that natural honey lowers:

- plasma glucose,
- C-reactive protein,
- homocysteine,
- and blood lipids in healthy, diabetic, and hyperlipidemic subjects!

But you also need deep REM sleep, which is also known as beauty rest!
That’s where Serotonin FX comes in! After all, as the wine wears off,
your blood vessels constrict and you often wake up or sleep light and feel
like sh@t the next day….

Better than melatonin, way safer than Tylenol PM and oh so much smarter to
use than Ambien, Serotonin FX is my side-effect-free, sleep like a drunken
bum pill.

It also can be used to prevent anxiety and help athletes sleep better while

Get your deep sleep, anti-anxiety, knock-out herb in Serotonin FX plus the
knock-you-out-it’s-so-good cake recipe for FREE!

I’m also not charging for SHIPPING!

It ends in 1 HOUR!

...actually 58 minutes, now.

Get more beauty sleep and honey-sweetened cake at

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. This sale will end “too soon” and many of you will complain, and I
won’t care. I’m not in the business of chocolate cake.

The recipe will be given to you on your receipt! Just click and print!