Subject: ~One Hour Left! Get All This FREE!

Only 1 hour left!

...or more like 59 minutes.

You can get a 3-pack of Cardio FX for 15% off. Plus, since there's
rampant ignorance (as well as willful ignorance), I’m tossing in my
Secret Health Files (A $97 Value) absolutely FREE!

(...I can't fix willful ignorance.)

The pharmaceutical industry thinks you’re not smart enough to understand
the inner workings of the pharmaceutical scam – which keeps natural
cure findings private, while hoodwinking you into using dangerous prescriptions.

Who are the culprits? How do I know all this?

They are a web of “enablers” that preserve a wildly profitable but
deadly business model. They are “Physician Fat Cats” who obey
prescribing orders handed down by pretty drug reps. They are government
agencies who obey a pharmaceutically compliant congress and use our tax
dollars to drug innocent children and elderly. They are the chemists who
obey their pharmaceutical masters and design drugs that mask symptoms but
don’t treat the cause. And I used to be one of them…

This “Hokey Pokey” effect has taken grip, and no matter how ridiculous
the charade, millions are taking part in it at the expense of your health
and wealth! You can ditch your meds…You can live active any age.

You can get the truth.

And that’s why I’m offering Cardio FX 3-Packs at 15% off and tossing in
Secret Health Files for absolutely no charge. This is 4 hours of quick, 10
minute health briefs that will snap you out of “pharmaceutical zombie

Here's what you get for FREE:

Secret Health Files Volume #1

How the Drug Industry Deceives Doctors
The Ancient “Immortality Herb” and How to Use It
What to Do When Your Doctor Tells You Your Triglycerides are Too High
Diabetes: How to Avoid it and Live to 100 Years Old!
How to Put the Brakes on Illness and Aging Today!
Top “Healthy Foods” Are Making You Sick
The Lazy Mans Guide to Reading Labels and Avoiding Belly-Inflating Foods

Secret Health Files Volume #2

- How the Wrong Calorie Can Kill You
- Defy Aging DNA the Easy Way. Add 10 Years Your Life Your
- Hidden Weapons of Belly Fat Destruction
- Hidden Danger of Cholesterol Lowering Drugs
- Cholesterol – What They Are not Telling You
- Four Ways to Reduce Threatening Inflammation and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) without Crestor
- Save $64k with three AGGRESSIVE Cardiovascular Cures That Cost Next to Nothing
- The Athletes Deadly Mistake: Avoid This to Enhance Performance and Smother Age Accelerating Free Radicals

Secret Health Files Volume #3

- Should I Really Eat Meat?
- Is Diet Coke Really a Joke?
- Digestive Health on a Dollar Budget
- Healing Secrets of The Incas: Beat malaria, soothe pain, get your libido back
- Best Way to Avoid Cancer. Protect Yourself and Your Family From Hidden Home Toxins
- How to Harness Nutrient Logic’s 4-Prong Cancer Attack DAILY
- New Way to Kill Cancer: Maximize Your Immune System Cancer RADAR
- Big Pharma’s Most Sought After Blood Cancer Buster
- The 27-Minute Hangover Cure

Secret Health Files Volume #4

- 10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before Filling that Psychiatric Prescription
- Most Important Health Habit for the Entire Family
- Mother’s Nature’s Edible Sun Block that Helps Skin Glow Vibrantly Young
- The Psychiatric Death Threat. Why You Need to Avoid Meds for Mental Health
- Total Mental and Physical Health with this All-natural “Detox Magnet”

I’ve gone to incredible lengths to make this the best, most easy to understand demonstration you’ve seen about ANYTHING. It will blow you away with its
simplicity and guidance. Plus, when I mention a product, I tell you exactly
where to buy it from, and I have no financial ties to them!

Don’t think that when Secret Health Files arrives you’ll be overwhelmed with books, manuals, videos etc. etc… I’ve made everything embarrassingly simple; you just play the audio CD’s one after the other and follow my easy-to-follow actionable advice.

No dry ‘theory’ to plough through; just relax and listen!

Stock up on hawthorn-rich Cardio FX, get 15% off, plus FREE shipping and
my Secret Health Files NO CHARGE!

Sales ends in ONE HOUR so stock up at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist.

P.S. Go sloth, you lose out. Cardio FX is the most inexpensive and purest
source of hawthorn, garlic, grape seed extract and magnesium you will
ever find. Stock up on a 3-pack and get 15% off, plus FREE shipping and
my Secret Health Files NO CHARGE! Sales ends in ONE HOUR so stock up