Subject: ~Omega-3 Fish Oils: Big Pharma Now Scamming You on Social Media

Drug companies are now turning to Twitter and Facebook in hopes of swindling even more people into buying drugs disguised as vitamins…

Like crack addicts under a bridge…most people are addicted to social media. Leveraging this, Big Pharma is now using it as a means to con people into taking more meds.

The latest med fad on social media? “Fish oil pills.”

In a recent article, “6 Ways Pharma May Use Social Media,” Dr. Kevin Campbell MD, FACC, spells it out, “social media is an ideal channel for pharmaceutical and device firms to educate, market, listen and connect with customers, patients and physicians.

First of all, pharmaceutical drug companies don’t “educate” anyone. They LIE.

That’s how they get sales. If they truly educated people (i.e., told the
truth about the dangers of their products), they’d put themselves out of

Secondly, social media isn’t about "listening" at all — it’s simply a
tool that lets corporations spy on you.

Case in point…

The New York Times published "How Facebook Sold You Krill Oil" —
describing how MegaRed used social media to sell processed krill oil
pills...for "anti-inflammation."

Total bullshit since krill oil does nothing for "inflammation."

So, how did they do it? They concocted Facebook ads designed to pull
at your emotional heartstrings…while ignoring the fact that nobody
actually needs highly processed fish oil pills from a lab.

"The goal…was to come up with specific MegaRed ads that would be
compelling enough to grab the attention of a mother or grandmother scanning
her Facebook feed on her phone while in line at the supermarket — and
eventually, prompt her to buy the pills," said NYT.

Like a sniper picking off victims, they targeted people who were most
likely to get scammed - morons on their phone while out in public
who make decisions about their health from headlines on social media.

Who did they target specifically?

...those who were already buying "products like Cheerios, aspirin and
blood pressure monitors.

(Yea, they know what you’re buying.)

Now, thanks to Facebook ads, the masses are purchasing useless omega pills
(made by Pharma) based on an ad they read for a period of about a split

The REAL way to stop inflammation, cancer and memory loss is by supplementing
with turmeric daily ( It’s so powerful that for every one user who
takes it, five Pharma reps quit their jobs.

Just kidding. Now I’m lying like Big Pharma.

Turmeric (loaded with curcuminoids), as well as cayenne, boswellic acid,
and bromelain are proven to:

- Increase your energy
- Improve focus and memory
- Maximize circulation
- Block cancer from invading your body
- Get maximum antioxidant & anti-inflammatory benefits

Learn the science, not the hype, at

Meanwhile, Pharma wants people to learn more about their "disease"
from paid headlines on social media...."Firms may offer disease-specific
educational information aimed at consumers. This information should present topics broadly and be relatively non-biased. The goal is to help patients understand their disease so that they may better engage with their healthcare providers to improve

Yea right! Most other intelligent countries have banned these criminals
from advertising...not the US.

For a truly beneficial multivitamin that adds quality of life to your
years, stock up on Daily Dose at

Dare to Live Young,

The People’s Chemist