Subject: ~Oil Spill: Toxic Threat to You


  June 9, 2010

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

My folic acid article was spread nationwide...And hundreds have emailed me about my video not coming through on the last email.

I have now posted it on FaceBook. After reading and forwarding this article, "friend" me as "The People's Chemist" at so you can see how I get my folate. As a bonus, I rambled on about a little-known hangover cure in the video. Enjoy!

Oil Spill Getting More Dangerous

By Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison

We’re in serious trouble.

The greatest environmental catastrophe in the history of the world has just gotten worse. More than 870,000 gallons of a chemical “dispersant” have been sprayed on the Gulf of Mexico. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warned against using the man-made toxin. But, it went ignored. And the EPA is looking away. While oil is toxic at 11 parts per million (ppm), the dispersant Corexit™ is assuredly more toxic at around 2.6 ppm!

In a public statement on the oil spill, BP CEO Tony Hayward had no comment on the dispersant. Instead, he insisted that, “I just want my life back.” It would appear that he is willing to go to any lengths to get it, even if others die. But, hopefully I am wrong. I know tens of thousands of BP workers are sacrificing their life to remedy the situation as fast and as safe as possible.

Rather than acknowledge the severity of the situation, many Americans are still asleep, or have stuffed their heads even further up their ass and changed the channel to The Kardashians. After all, this is the mentality that allowed us to get here: letting Corporate America run amuck, put us to sleep, make decisions for us, and then pillage our wallets, lifestyle and now our oceans. And with the use of toxic dispersants, we’re now locked into generations of damage. I’ll explain…

Corexit™ is the trade name for a chemical soup that is severely hazardous to all life. It was banned in the U.K. when scientists learned it robbed snails of their ability to climb on rocks, then later found it to be hazardous to our genetic map, DNA. But apparently, it’s still O.K. in the US to spray the entire gulf with the powdery mess…Complaints of dizziness and nausea among coastal workers are piling in. Think anyone’s listening? Not BP. They buy the mix by the truckload from a company run by one of their former executives.

Corexit makers imply it’s as harmless as baby powder:

“Corexit is a simple blend of six well-established, safe ingredients that biodegrade, do not bioaccumulate and are commonly found in popular household products.”

Feel safe? Then go back to watching Oprah and Dr. Oz suck media face.

The long term risks of Corexit are staggering. And where time is of the essence, today's limp health leaders do nothing to sound the alarm. Instead, we get more cheap sales copy about Vitamin D, fish oils, acai, and resveratrol...The last thing we need is more pills. To raise health, we need to know about the toxic onslaught that has buried us courtesy of modernization.

Facts be told, Corexit is carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic. Let me translate: It’s nasty shit, and it doesn’t belong in our oceans.

As a carcinogen, it causes cancer. As a teratogen, it harms unborn children. As a mutagen, it scrambles DNA, thus causing the unborn children of today to pass on the damage via their DNA to their children for generations to come. Ponder that for just a minute or two…The Kardashians can wait, trust me here.

I have no doubt that the people of BP are caring, hard working people. And I have no doubt that unlike most of America, there is a core group of opinion leaders who are striving for resolve against insurmountable odds in the gulf. But these aren't the people making the decisions. It’s the corporate Mad Men who have an undying "bromance" with their profit loving co-horts who are shielded from the public and the media.

To overcome the tyranny, let your voice be heard. forward this to your entire email list...Contact your local news expressing your concern. Call your state government. Votes matter here, and you can demand to know their position and what actions they are taking. Write a letter to the editor (2 simple paragraphs will suffice, copy whatever you need from this article). FaceBook it. Victory comes from demanding more. And as awareness of the toxic onslaught grows, so will your power.

About the Author

Shane is an award winning organic chemist and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures. He teaches people about natural medicine, but is not a shill. He is a perfect candidate for being "medicated to death" - according to psychiatry, but chooses living young instead. He has been quoted by USA Today, Shape, Woman’s World, as well as Women’s Health and appeared on Fox and NBC as a natural medicine advocate. Learn about the $8 cancer buster FREE at