Subject: ~Nurse of 30 Years Plummets Sugar Levels with This...


Just received an email that reflects how easy it is to lower your
blood sugar with Cinnergy ( most of you
know, I've been pushing this blood sugar cure for over 10 years!

...It works even without exercise. And while I'm no advocate of skipping
workouts, this is a true testament to the safety and efficacy of Cinnergy.

"Hi and Happy New Year! I wanted to share with you what one of your
products has done for me. Last year after a routine physical, my labs were
all bad. My fasting blood sugar was 140, my hemoglobin a1c was 6.7 and my
liver enzymes were high."

"I was told I should be on Metformin and to see a diabetic educator. Now
I've been a nurse for 30 years , yet I despise the drug companies and all
they represent. I told my nurse practitioner to give me 3 months to shape
up my diet and exercise and test again, because I didn’t want to go on
any more drugs!

I started using cinnergy every day. I put off having labs redrawn, so it was
a year since my last draw. To my delight, even though I hadn’t been exercising
much, my fasting sugar was 105, and a1c went down to 5.9. Also my liver
enzymes were back to normal!"

Learn more at

Ditch the meds!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy is also the definitive replacement for Type II diabetics
taking insulin! If your shooting up, you're screwing up! Insulin is the
worst thing to Type II diabetics! Get Cinnergy at
and blast sugar.

P.P.S. Please note that YES, we are still offering the 3-Pack Special at
15% off! Just add 3 to your cart for automatic discount.