Subject: ~Nurse Speaks on INSULIN Users as "Frequent Flyers!"


A Registered Nurse recently emailed to say, "I seriously love you...I'm an
RN I am following out Dr's orders all day, handing out all the pills injecting
these poor diabetics all day and night with insulin while I watch them get
worse or come right back in after being discharged (frequent flyers)."

She was responding to my warning about insulin use among Type
2 diabetics. It's one of medicine's biggest cover-ups! And it's
killing people left and right.

Let me be clear...

Type 2 diabetes is also known as insulin resistance.

If you suffer from it, your body is producing TOO MUCH insulin.
This excess causes muscle cells to become immune to the flood of
insulin. Therefore, they don't respond to the message of, "vacuum
deadly sugar from the blood and use as energy."

You see, that's the job of's a messenger and tells muscle
cells to remove sugar.

But since your body has had to work over time, it's damn tired. Insulin
does not work as efficiently, like a worn out tire pump. As a result
blood sugar goes up...

Doctors exacerbate the problem by just shoving more insulin into your
blood! Can you believe it? They are causing the very disease you are
paying them to treat.


Since it doesn't work, you need more insulin over time and
more medical intervention...and that makes you a "frequent flyer."

Apparently, I'm not the only one disgusted with this practice. There's two
of us, and she's a nurse. So, like me, she sees the consequences of this
cover-up first hand.

Prescription insulin is the last thing a Type 2 diabetic needs.

What you need to do is increase your sensitivity to insulin so you can
once again respond to its message! That means, make your muscle
better in tune with the message it's receiving!

Like tuning a guitar to the recording devices around it, your muscle
cells can be tuned with

It's true! And it very inexpensive! So hurry and stock up before your body
simply gives out...Type 2 diabetes is, without question, the top killer.

Tell your doctors to shove the insulin up his a$$ and start taking charge

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

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