Subject: No more People's Chemist...


I'm completely sold out of Cinnergy, Serotonin FX and Relief FX. Don't buy it or you'll be
pissed having to wait for it. I need two weeks to finish it.

Cardio FX is shipping, but it won't last. Here is the link to buy and save 15% if you add 3
or more to cart:

If perfect cardiovascular health isn't enough to get you excited about this email, I want you to
know about Coriander - Mother Nature's mercury magnet. It works. It costs about $6 on
Amazon. And if you don't know that mercury exposure is a looming threat, you need to check your

This is a great supplement for everyone in the family:

Now, lets talk current events...Adult language ahead.

American Idol has chosen it's final 24 contestants. was removed from the Internet last night around 9pm.

It was like a UFO sighting. One minute it was there. And in a split-second, it was gone, as if
there would be no more People's Chemist.

I suspect that many felt they were doomed to follow the squirrely advice of vitamin D pushers and
the Norman Bates look alike from the alternative healthcare camp.

Hackers at work. I figured something was wrong when there was a slight decline in hate mail from
evangelistic Christians who judge me on my choice of words. Ironic. Annoying.

Newsflash: I didn't grow up to be a role model. In fact, I didn't grow up to write a book. It just
happened - like yelling at someone to watch out for a baseball that's about to bounce off their
head. Hell, I haven't even grown up yet.

Evangelistic Christians should know that God breathed life into my lungs, so all complaints
should go straight to him. I'm Gods son. Get used to it...Or (another newsflash here) don't
visit my web site!

As of this morning, is back up and running thanks to my
CCG George. you can get all the natural products you need for:

Better sleep, less anxiety:

Boosting healing hormones to preserve joint and muscle:


Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. I think either Jessica Sanchez or Heejun Han will win American Idol