Subject: No Tooth Extraction Needed!

I'm not a dentist…I know very little about dentistry…But I do know that
if you boost your immune system with Immune FX (, you
can ward off lots of troubles…even an abscessed tooth.

An abscessed tooth happens when there's an infection lurking at the root of
a tooth — or between the tooth and gums. The culprit behind the infection
can be tooth decay, gingivitis, gum disease, or an injury that leaves the
tooth broken.

These scenarios create openings in the tooth enamel. Bacteria can sneak
inside and infect the center of the tooth. When this happens, the infection
can spread from the root of the tooth to the bones supporting the
tooth…all while destroying surrounding tissue.

Not pretty. If left untreated, the infection can become life-threatening.

[Related: Cutting out sugar from your diet can prevent tooth decay.
( Duh.]

A paper titled "Dental abscess: A microbiological review," published in the
Dental Research Journal, states: "Serious consequences arising from the
spread of a dental abscess lead to significant morbidity and mortality…If
not treated at an early stage it may rapidly evolve and spread to adjacent
anatomic structures, leading to serious complications such as septicemia,
cavernous sinus thrombosis, brain abscess, shock, and occasionally to

In other words, an abscessed tooth can threaten your health and your life!

In a worst case scenario, many dentists would encourage surgery…as if
patients have no power to turn their own health around.

But luckily — as with all other types of infection — your body has the
ability to fight back. You don't necessarily need drugs or surgery as the
first line of defense.

You simply need to support your immune system (, so
that it can defeat the infection. (That's what your immune system is for!)

Jon S., a TPC fan, wrote: "As a cancer survivor I don't take chances with
dental issues. I have had several abscessed teeth extracted."

"Recently I had a toothache and was resigned to losing another molar when I
read Shane's article about Immune FX saving a sore tooth. I then took
Immune FX daily and within a week the pain cleared up and has not returned.
( Thanks!"

Immune FX works, because it helps the body fight off infection.

It really is that simple!

The outstanding ability of our immune system to ward off infection was
recently highlighted in Noble Prize winning science. Scientists Bruce
Beutler and Jules Hoffmann discovered that humans are hard-wired with
special receptors that recognize foreign invaders and activate our immune
response to protect us. It's like having a massive, protective army on
watch around the clock.

But in order to activate these sentinels, we need to supply the body with
high-quality fuel derived from natural products to feed and nourish our
very complex immune system. Decades of science show that the active
ingredients in Immune FX are the true answer for harnessing the protective
power of this ultra-potent, anti-infection machine.

Give your body what it needs to heal…and it will heal.

I'm not saying it will save every single tooth, in every case. Some cases
are too extreme. But why not give natural medicine a try?

Before resorting to drastic measures (like pulling out a tooth)…try
Immune FX, my natural immunity-boosting supplement indended to ward off
infection naturally.

You'll thank me later! Stock up now at

Ditch the meds and surgery,

The People's Chemist

P.S Don't let an abscessed tooth threaten your health. Try Immune FX…if
it doesn't work, send it back for a refund. What the hell do you have to
lose? Order your first bottle at:

P.S. We are running low on Cardio FX. Stock up at if
you depend on it to control blood pressure, bust risky clots and strengthen
heart for better sports performance: