Subject: No Pain Meds Needed After Surgery! (20% Off!)

No Risky Pain Meds Needed After Surgery!
(I'm so Excited, I'm Taking 20% off my Natural Pain Pill for 48 Hours Only!)
Post surgery is the perfect time to get someone hooked on pain pills. But, Sandy refused to let that happen.

“I just had to send you an email,” Sandy writes. “One, to order more of your supplements, and two, to share with you my health status.”

The People's Chemist Yields Ultra-Fast Recovery

“It was finally determined that even though I was very healthy, my hips were past the point of returning,” says Sandy. “I elected to have hip replacement surgery...After about a week I was released to go back to work with no restrictions!! I owe my speedy recovery all to Shane and the products he has developed...As I refused any drugs post-surgery.”

Unlike the average moron, Sandy used natural medicine as her first line of defense.

“It was suggested that I take aspirin or worse yet, a prescription blood thinner, to avoid blood clots,” she says.

This is where people usually get tripped up. They believe drugs are their only option. A little research could go a very long way here...Drugs like aspirin and warfarin kill more people than they do blood clots! And they restrict the body from healing itself.

Fortunately, natural medicine can put an end to pain and the formation of sticky, life-risking blood clots without damaging you.

It’s simple logic, but I hear it swooshing over most people’s heads, daily.

Sandy is the exception.

“I took instead Relief FX and Cardio FX. It was suggested that I should have the prescription filled for pain; a heavy narcotic. I took instead only Relief FX! Almost no pain and no stomach problems!

Why You Should Avoid Aspirin at All Costs

Sure, Sandy could have taken the lazy route by popping some aspirin or swallowing some drugs. But doing that would have been a recipe for TOXICITY.

Like deflating a tire, aspirin depletes the body of life-saving nutrients. These include folic acid, iron, potassium, sodium and vitamin C. Symptoms associated with such depletion include: anemia, birth defects, heart disease, elevated homocysteine (a risk factor for heart disease), headache, depression, fatigue, hair loss, insomnia, diarrhea, shortness of breath, pale skin and suppression of the immune system.

Internal bleeding is one of the biggest risks of taking aspirin.

Studies show that aspirin users die sooner compared to those not taking it.

Aspirin is like the psychopathic “gangster” of painkillers – seductive and cool it hides behind the words of “baby aspirin,” but is always adding to its body count.

Don't let it lure you in.

Sandy Conquers Hip Replacement Pain, Drug-Free!

“To help with all the X-rays needed during and after surgery, I've taken Daily Dose and an additional dose of curcumin just in case,” she continues. “To help heal I have continued my regimen from Over-the-Counter Natural Cures. Whey Advanced protein is also on my daily menu!”

I have been back to work full time for over a week now, with no side-effects and feel absolutely wonderful. I need to tell Shane THANK YOU! I can now work, play and truly enjoy life again!! I will continue taking Shane's advice, while telling everyone I see how it’s possible to bounce back from even serious surgery by following The Peoples Chemist’s advice and the great natural products he offers.”

Relief FX Squashes Pain, Lets You Get Back to Your Life

Sandy’s world is a happy healthy one, because she chose to alleviate pain and protect herself from clots THE NATURAL WAY.

When we choose on the side of Mother Nature as the first line of defense, we have more chances of “winning.” It’s only when we choose AGAINST nature that we lose. You can have fast pain relief without going against Mother Nature.

As I always like to say, flood your body with the nutrients it needs, and it will heal itself. No need for toxic, expensive, synthetic prescription drugs!

Got a Surgery Coming Up? Get Fast, Safe Pain Relief WITHOUT Harmful Side Effects

Whether you're about to go into surgery or recently recovered from one, you can squash pain safely by choosing Relief FX over risky pain meds that morph your body into a toxic waste dump.

Unlike prescription drugs, Relief FX is designed to crush pain in 16 minutes or less, without harming your body. Choose Mother Nature’s pain relief here.


Shane Ellison, MS
The People’s Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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