Subject: No More Alibis or Pussyfooting around!


I recently asked what readers wanted the most. The biggest request has been:  Custom Plans! So here it is :

For the rest of 2008, I’m Going to Be In Your Face
Every Day Until I Make You Healthier This Year!

No More Alibis, Excuses, or Pussyfooting Around...
Your Days of Hemming & Hawing Are Officially Over...

Start Aging Gracefully Rather than Getting Old and Crumbly!

Learn all about it here:

The other top request was for an audio CD that would teach top secret alternatives to prescription drugs.  I'll keep you posted on my solution to this...

Lastly, stay tuned for one of the most shocking Q and A's on cholesterol
lowering drugs!  I was recently interviewed by the World's #1
health and fitness magazine
about statins...It's about to be

All my best,

The People's Chemist