Subject: No Flu, No Allergies, No Medications!

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Stop Illness and Allergies!

"I had a runny nose all day yesterday and took two last night and woke up feeling great! Pretty Amazing!"

- Jessie

This product DOES work! My hubby "felt something coming on" and took this for 2 days and was good to go. My 12 yr old woke up with a stuffy nose and cough on Monday, started him on this Tuesday, here it is Wednesday and he said he feels almost normal. FANTASTIC stuff!!!

- Michelle

"Hope you guys had a rad holiday and are shredding it up in Colorado...I bought Immune FX as i had a sinus infection and the antibiotics were doing nothing...I took it ONCE and all my sinus pain went away. You're a genius."

- M.P. California

What's all this talk about? It's about ImmuneFX...The ONLY product that has been PROVEN to boost immunity and ward off illness and allergies.

This is NOT like the crap you'll find in the stores such as EmergenC! (Did you know that it's just sugar and SYNTHETIC/FAKE vitamin C!?) Products like EmergenC harm you, rather than help you.

Immunity threats are everywhere…it’s disgusting, actually. A single gram of feces can contain more than 10 million viruses, 1 million bacteria, 1,000 parasite cysts and 100 parasite eggs. Our world is a breeding ground for illness. But you don’t have to be a victim to this fact.

Instead, you can minimize the everyday risk of infection by strengthening your immunity, naturally. The outstanding ability of our immune system to ward off infection was recently highlighted in Noble Prize winning science. Scientists Bruce Beutler and Jules Hoffmann discovered that humans are hard-wired with special receptors that recognize foreign invaders and activate our immune response to protect us. It’s like having a massive, protective army on watch around the clock.

But in order to activate these sentinels, we need to supply the body with high-quality fuel derived from natural products to feed and nourish our very complex immune system. Decades of science show that the active ingredients in ImmuneFX are the true answer for harnessing the protective power of this ultra-potent, anti-infection machine.

It's so potent, you only have to take it when you are feeling sick or as alergies start to come on. You don't have to take everyday like a "vitamin!"

Learn more at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at