Subject: New Video! Cure Motion Sickness and Morning Sickness, Naturally!


I just made a 1-minute video to show people how to stop morning
sickness and motion sickness. Works great for when you are in a car,
boat or airplane, or first trimester of your pregnancy.

As a private pilot, I've used this successfully on three occasions to help
my kids...Unfortunately, I didn't have any for my buddy Wilton on
our last trip to Colorado.

We battled turbulence and a smoky sky due to fires in the area. At 13,500ft,
he confessed he wasn't feeling good at all and may need to puke.

"If I had my air sickness cure with me, you'd feel great right now...You'll just
have to talk yourself out of being sick," I assured him.

It didn't work. He suffered for a couple of hours. Fortunately, he didnt have
to use the barf bag.

Don't suffer. Learn about the simple cure here:

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist