Subject: New Research Shows How to STOP Wanting Sugar


Willpower hardly ever works.

This is especially true when it comes to avoiding sugar.

As a former sugar addict, I've learned that you can't rely on it
to stop eating it. After all, it's more addictive than cocaine.

If someone craves sugar, they're going to get it. And that's why telling
myself or my kids to just "stop" eating it is a huge disservice. It's impossible
to say no unless you force the brain to stop wanting it. A new study
proves how to do just that - get more sleep.

Without deep, restful sleep, your brain will go haywire and force you
to eat more sugar and junk food.

The best evidence of this came from research results published in
The New York Times. They wrote that, "depriving people of sleep for one
night created pronounced changes in the way their brains responded to high-calorie
junk foods. On days when the subjects had not had proper sleep, fattening
foods like potato chips and sweets stimulated stronger responses in a
part of the brain that helps govern the motivation to eat. But at the same
time, the subjects experienced a sharp reduction in activity in the frontal
cortex, a higher-level part of the brain where consequences are weighed
and rational decisions are made."

Want to force your brain to stop craving junk?


The easiest way to get more sleep is with an all-natural, sleep
pill at

Unlike melatonin, it doesn't get bound up in your intestines. It works
directly on your brain to induce restful sleep.

Unlike prescription drugs, it's non-toxic and non-addictive.

It's the smart way to get better sleep and to start making healthier
eating choices because your brain won't want anything, otherwise.

Watch the 1-minute video to learn more at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist