Subject: New Option for Natural Cures and Stink Awards!


A few quick updates. The price on my "deep sleep pill" will
be going up very soon. If you want to save on SerotoninFX,
buy it before we are forced to raise prices:

Also, to make it easier to read and share my FREE Natural Cures
Watchdog, there is now a PRINT option, which formats each blog
for your printer. Use it to READ AND SHARE! Below, are the most
popular blogs to date...Take 4 minutes to pick one or two of your favorite
and print.

- Does The Family Really Need Lipitor and Aspirin?

- The Dr. Oz Show: 4 Reasons I Hate this Piece-of-Sh#t Show

- Herd Immunity: Three Reasons Why I Don’t Vaccinate My Children… And Why Vaccine Supporters Shouldn’t Care

- The Hidden Truth About Aspirin (And What To Use Instead)

- Hairy Landing Reminds Me Why I Use This Natural Sleep Aid

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist