Subject: New Mom-In-Thong Photo and Tips


  January 4, 2010




  Mom-In-Thong shows how to convert your Mom-Bod into a Hot-Bod.

Below is my wife, Lea-Ann, pictured at her latest bikini contest (2nd place!). Included are some words of wisdom just for Moms! No Dad's allowed!

Three tips to turn your "Mom-Bod" into a "Hot-Bod"

By Lea-Ann Ellison

I know how hard it can be as a Mom.

Sleeping, eating, and exercising properly seems impossible when you are focused on family. We give our all to everyone else and at the end of the day we are drained. Between keeping a home, running kids here and there, taking care of our man, and working, where do we find the time to transform your body? You don't!

Let's face it, we aren't going to find the time we need for ourselves anywhere ladies. You have to create it! And that means working as efficiently as possible. And when it comes to fitness, you want to make sure that your body responds to it by producing the anti-aging hormones that comes with being a HIT Woman (Hormone Intelligence Therapy Woman)! This ensures that you aren't forced to "live in the gym." Here are three ways to make sure you turn your "Mom-Bod" into a "Hot-Bod" this year.

This is the time of year to make it happen. If you aren't motivated now, you never will be! Next year will be met with more flab, low energy, and bigger jeans! Start now, get into your skinny jeans in 90 days.

Tip #1 Make "Early to Bed, Early to Rise" Easy

Sleep not only makes us feel good, it makes us look good. Maybe not in that first hour upon waking when our faces are still wrinkled and stale from the cold winter night, but your body will thank you as your day progresses (splash your face with some grapeseed oil and warm water before you hit the pillow to help ward off those wrinkles).

Sleep is the only time our body can fully recover from our work out and charge the mind. Women who don't get enough sleep are at risk for slow recovery times, sluggish metabolism, accelerated aging (aka: nasty wrinkles), cancers, and not to mention bad attitudes.

You need at least 9 hours to call it beauty rest.

To ensure I get enough sleep, I use this:

Tip #2 Eat a Power Breakfast

Everyone knows how important breakfast is, so why are you still skipping it? No time? Sad excuse. If you have 10 minutes you can eat this:

- Two eggs cooked any way you like
- One slice of Ezekiel bread (Cinnamon Raisin in my favorite) topped with organic peanut butter
- A swig of Whey Advanced Chocolate Silk (mixes easy and tastes great with water)

Making sure to eat a high healthy fat and protein breakfast with Whey Advanced will keep you full longer and power you through until lunch. But most importantly, it gives your "internal pharmacy" the raw ingredients it needs to manufacture and balance your anti-aging, fat burning hormones.

Skip this breakfast and your backside starts storing fat like crazy thanks to a metabolism that thinks there is a famine. Not cool when it comes time to sport that bikini.

Tip #3 Blast Butt Fat

The early mornings are my time. And they can be yours too.

Getting up at 5:30am while the kids are still asleep allows me to sneak out and hit the gym by 6:00am. I'm back home in time to make breakfast, pack lunch and send the kids off to school. You have got to move your butt if you want to blast fat. There is no way around it. Here is a way to get it done fast.

High intensity training will build muscle and burn fat faster than running on a treadmill for 30 minutes or mindlessly spinning the wheels of a recumbent bike. I use EF ThermoFX during exercise days so that I can spark my metabolism and prime my body to respond to the routine.

No gym? No problem.

Do my 16 minute band routine at home.

Follow this interval work out with a resistance training program 3 days a week and you are on your way to big results.

No more excuses. Send me your success story at and go buy a new bathing suit. Summer will be here before you know it!