Subject: New! FDA Approves Lethal Drug for Hot Flashes!

FDA Approves Lethal Drug for Hot Flashes

News Flash Courtesy of

The pharmaceutical companies are making out like bandits! Thanks to a new ruling
by the FDA, the antidepressant Paxil will be prescribed to millions of women
suffering from hot flashes. Company shareholders and employees of GlaxoSmithKline
are smiling ear to ear. After all, they recently lost big due to crimes against
humanity. This new ruling is going to help them recoup their money...and a lot more!

In 2012, the company pleaded guilty to false marketing, off label use of their
antidepressants and hiding side-effects from the FDA. They were forced to hand
over $1 billion. This is a small sum compared to what they will make courtesy
of the FDA.

In an overt abuse of power, Big Pharma and FDA have legally positioned Paxil as a
new drug for pre-menopausal women...It’s revolting. No study has ever proven
Paxil to significantly reduce hot flashes...

It is expected that 24 million women will face Paxil related side-effects due to
the ruling. These include increased suicidal thoughts or behavior, seizures and

Is your blood boiling, yet?

Luckily, there is a natural way to stop hot flashes…The number one way to suppress
them is to increase "rapid eye movement sleep" at night. This is known as REM sleep.

Concluding their study, The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences
at Wayne State wrote that, "REM sleep suppresses hot flashes and associated
arousals and awakenings."

Best part about this; you can naturally increase REM sleep without risking drug
side effects!

I published all the details online so women have better choices! Stop hot
flashes naturally at

NOTE: Only available while supplies last! Hurry. Backorders are possible!