Subject: ~New Book On Sale At Amazon! (20% Off, Hurry!)

Is there a conspiracy to put you on meds?


No question.

And if you're fortunate enough to not be a victim, someone
you love is...

Titled, "The Cost of Not Taking Your Medicine," The New York Times begs
people to keep swallowing their meds…

"There is an out-of-control epidemic in the United States that costs more
and affects more people than any disease Americans currently
worry about. It's called non-adherence to prescribed medications, and it is
— potentially, at least — 100 percent preventable by the very
individuals it afflicts. The numbers are staggering."

They quote the Annals of Internal Medicine, "Studies have consistently
shown that 20 percent to 30 percent of medication prescriptions are never
filled, and that approximately 50 percent of medications for chronic
disease are not taken as prescribed."

"People who do take prescription medications — whether it's for a simple
infection or a life-threatening condition — typically take only about
half the prescribed doses."

No sh#t! That's because meds today are the TOP killer!

They make people feel like sh#t.

Of course they're not going to stay on them!

Still, the NYT wants to shame people by calling it "nonadherence to
prescription drugs."

Look, you weren't put on this earth to be a pawn for the drug industry -
dutifully taking your meds without question isn't the goal.

I used to work as a pharmaceutical drug chemist, so I know how the industry
works. I was paid to design meds. I was encouraged to ignore anything
(including science) that might potentially decrease drug profits…it was a
culture that persisted throughout all the departments and if you didn't
agree, you got "reprimanded" and threatened.

Perhaps the most insulting part of the article is the last paragraph:

"Forgetting to take a prescribed drug is a common problem, especially for
those ambivalent about taking medication. Patients can use various devices,
including smartphones, to remind them to take the next dose, or use a buddy
system to make adherence a team sport. Dr. Shrank suggested making
pill-taking a habit, perhaps by putting their medication right next to
their toothbrush."

The only thing you should have next to your toothbrush is toothpaste….and
my new book, 3 Worst Meds!

Get if for 20% off on Amazon at

Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones!

Outlive your peers, look and feel younger, avoid side effects, and give
"news" outlets like the NYT the middle finger.

Order your copy now and save 20%:

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If you really want to puke, read the last paragraph of the NYT
article: "Forgetting to take a prescribed drug is a common problem,
especially for those ambivalent about taking medication. Patients can use
various devices, including smartphones, to remind them to take the next
dose, or use a buddy system to make adherence a team sport. Dr. Shrank
suggested making pill-taking a habit, perhaps by putting their medication
right next to their toothbrush."

The idea is to DITCH THE MEDS, not swallow them for life.

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