Subject: Never Fear A Heart Attack

Never Fear A Heart Attack....

Grape seed extract and L-arginine are among the greatest
discoveries for aiding in cardiovascular health, PERIOD!
I designed a product based on this science.  It is known as

The following is a question from a CardioFX user:

Question: I understand that L-Citrulline aids in absorbing
L-Arginine to produce NO. Is there a reason why you're not
including that in your formula?

Answer: L-citrulline is a precursor to L-arginine in the body. 
It is not required to "enhance" bioavailability of L-arginine. 
Though, marketers do promote this for sales leverage. 

Some of the benefits of L-arginine come from its ability to
promote NO production (reduces hypertension and aids in health of cardiovascular system).  This is dependent on the enzyme known as "NO synthase."  Without it, NO from L-arginine is impossible.  Athletes and the elderly are deficient in both.  That is where CardioFX comes to the rescue...It provides L-arginine as well as the NO synthase PRECURSOR "anthocyanidins" from GRAPE SEED extract.

Here are some other "hidden" benefits of L-arginine as highlighted by PDR Health - my two cents added:

"L-arginine, even when it is not an essential amino acid as defined above, is a vital one. In addition to participating in protein synthesis, it plays a number of other roles in the body. These include the detoxification of ammonia formed during the nitrogen catabolism of amino acids via the formation of urea [ATTENTION ATHLETES AND ELDERLY!]. In addition, L-arginine is a precursor in the formation of nitric oxide, creatine [THINK MUSCLE], polyamines, L-glutamate, L-proline, agmatin (a possible neurotransmitter in the brain) and the arginine-containing tetrapeptide tuftsin, believed to be an immunomodulator. L-arginine is a glycogenic amino acid; it can be converted to D-glucose and glycogen if needed by the body or it can be catabolized to produce biological energy [THINK ENDURANCE AND MENTAL ENERGY].

Learn more about the other secret ingredient that has yet to be used in
this healthy heart formula click here

Live Young,

Shane Ellison, M.Sc.
Author Health Myths Exposed 2nd Edition

...So Moronic It Makes Paris Hilton Look Like A Nobel Prize Candidate:

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