Subject: ~Naturopathic Dr. Kills Patient

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk
Naturopathic Doctor Kills Patient
(Special on Sleep Pill that has 87% Success Rate!)
From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.
Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry
  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young
  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
Do you ever have one of those “Oh Sh#t” moments with your workout, diet or health goals in general?

…where you realize nothing has been working?

You keep gaining weight.

You keep eating garbage.

You keep feeling depressed.

You keep eating sweets.

You keep taking handfuls of “vitamins” to get more sleep...

People spend years on this treacherous path, following the “health” advice of many gurus… and they get no where.

They rationalize their poor health with age, genetics, or both.

That’s bullsh%t. 

The problem isn’t your age or genetics. It’s your

Your body is fully capable of living out a functional, active life to its inevitable end. You just have to stop listening to “gurus!”

Most health gurus today are trying to be someone they’re not - an expert. And they’re teaching others to be someone they’re not in an attempt to
sell them lies!

I’ve never had a guru. 

Growing up, my mom always told me to be myself. That advice got me thrown in jail. But it also helped me win scholarships, research grants, and more…it might have been hit or miss, but at least it was mostly hit. 

I was willing to be myself and accept the consequences!

I’ve always lived by the mantra of “f%ck gurus.”

Listening to people who pretend to be experts without doing their due-diligence is harmful, sometimes deadly. Especially when it comes to

Just recently a naturopathic doctor injected “curcumin” into her patient. The doctor’s ad read, “I also am excited to announce that I now offer Intravenous Curcumin for people experiencing pain (arthritis, inflammation, etc) and which is also proving to be highly beneficial for
those experiencing Alzheimer’s/Dementia.”

You can't inject curcumin...

The patient died hours later from an oversight that could have been prevented with one hour of research by the “doctor” - curcumin is taken
safely and effectively orally not by injection! But instead, it was too easy to hype and sell something with a new “marketing flare”…(business as usual for naturopaths and chiropractors who become addicted to the sell.)

Gurus are always preaching from a self-appointed perch, looking down on everyone else. By definition, preaching demands “belief.”

“Believe this, believe that.”

“I’m an expert.”

“All the other experts agree.”

“There’s mountains of scientific studies.”

“I have references.”

Words keep flying out of their face until someone gets hypnotized and surrenders to their bullsh#t. 

In time, the guru has built a massive fan
base built on nonsense, not measurable results.

That’s what’s happening today in the health world.

I never listen to anyone who blows bull$hit from their lips… encouraging people to buy their gimmicks, backed up by morons who think the same.

Think Omega-3 oils, vitamin D, folic acid, glutathione, sugary protein powders, and basically anything you toss into your cart strolling down the
supplement aisle.

For me, it’s all about measurable results. 

It paid off in graduate school as a young organic chemist. It taught me how to have the patients to develop products that work. This eventually
parlayed into a top-tier position as a medicinal chemist for Big Pharma, then my own company.

…Sometimes, looking for measurable results meant an entire night in a lab, muddling about, reaching dead-ends for hours on end. 

Failure itself became an observable result that went into a lab book and nowhere else. But, since there are infinite hypotheses and formulas, I always knew positive results were just around the corner.

It only takes one person to verify measurable results. Therefore, in theory, a million morons could miss the obvious…one could see the truth.

One example is my all-natural deep sleep aid, Serotonin FX. I’ve been marketing it for over a decade. It has an 87% success rate.

Serotonin FX gets people off sleep pills, off anti-depressants and even curbs sugar cravings.

These are measurable results you can feel within days of starting Serotonin FX 

=====> And for a limited time you can get 15% off a 3-pack and FREE shipping:

One fan emailed to show her results:

“I purchased Serotonin FX after a friend told me about it. I was facing quite a dilemma. I was bringing my husband with Alzheimer's home from long term care because the antipsychotic drugs were destroying him and he was sent to emergency every single month from side effects.”

“He was unable to sleep due to bad insomnia caused by the antipsychotic drugs. I would not allow Drs to prescribe sleep meds so I tried melatonin, Benadryl, and a number of herbal teas.”

“Nothing worked. He didn't sleep and as a result, he kept losing weight - 40 pounds total for a guy 6'1" and normally 180 lbs!”

“Long story short, drugs about destroyed an otherwise healthy 74 year old Alzheimer's person. In order to bring him home I had to have something that would help him sleep or I could not take care of him.”

“I stepped out in faith and had Serotonin FX in my hand the first day I brought him home. I gave him 3 caps and within an hour he was out like “a
drunken bum.”

“He slept 12 hours every night for the first two months.”

“Just this week I cut back to twice a week like the directions state and he's doing fine on 9 1/2 hours of sleep at night. His body clock reset and
all that time on Serotonin FX reset it for him.”

“Mind you he was still on the bad bad meds. I had to wean him slowly and it still worked! Now he is totally off and have been using hemp CBD to
control behaviors associated with the Alzheimers since coming home. Thank God.”

“After all my research, I'm convinced that psychiatrists and the drug companies and doctors that recommend these dangerous drugs to elderly
people with dementia are ‘frankensteins’.”

“I want to thank you for developing such a superior product. I have your book and am very grateful for all the research you are doing to warn people about drugs and Big Pharma. Keep up the good work. You are a blessing to the public. Hugs.”

Wow. See? Positive things can happen when you stick to science. No melatonin, meds or placebo here…Just Serotonin FX, loaded with valerian
and L-tryptophan.

You don’t need to be wearing blue-blocker sunglasses that the gurus are now pushing…you don’t need to be following your doctors orders and taking meds…

Hurry and stock up before I’m sold-out at

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Serotonin FX is rich with naturally occurring valerian root and L-tryptophan. Together, these help you enter into a state of deep state of
REM sleep. It’s non-toxic with absolutely zero addictive properties.

Try your first bottle at

Time To Ditch The Meds!
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