Subject: Nature's Most Powerful Immune Booster (Not Vitamin C or D!)


Did you hear the one about sick people eating packets of
sugar labeled as "Emergen-C." Or what about eating
Quintox (rat poison) packaged as "vitamin D" to get over sickness?

Both are hilariously emblematic of our gullible nature....

Slap on a pretty label and a claim and bam, you have something
to sell!

Fact: Both are man made chemicals known technically as
ascorbic acid and cholecalciferol, respectively.

They don't belong in your body.

Get similar, truly natural, forms from an orange or sunshine and
you're good to go...You'll get a nice immunity boost.

But, there's one more you're missing out on, big time!

It's called andrographis and it's the active ingredient in

I designed to help my family avoid all kinds of infections.

Tens of thousands of people have been using it ever since, quite

Debbie just wrote in to say, "I apparently managed to attract the flu
virus...sudden onset of joint/muscle pain and a running nose. I felt
terrible. I took 2 Immune Fx and 4 hours later 2 more. Within 24 hours I
was almost completely symptom free. Without Immune Fx, I would have
probably got sinusitis and round of risky meds and been miserably for 2
weeks. Thanks for saving my Christmas."

I didn't "discover" andrographis. Big Pharma did.

When I was working for them as a bench chemist, I learned that they
were trying to reverse engineer nature's most powerful immune
booster. Fascinated, I started digging deeper and talking to the top
scientists. What they found was astounding.

Andrographis was both an antibiotic and antiviral. And it was safe. And
it was impossible for foreign invaders to build immunity! That meant
no superbugs!

I figured, why not just sell the natural source?

Sadly, they refused because it was counter to the pharmaceutical
business model.

They have to alter something to call it their own. Then they can obtain
patent rights and a monopoly to bankroll millions and sometimes billions.

Here is a direct quote from their research, as published in Evidence-Based
Complementary Medicine:

"Andrographis paniculata (Burm. F) Nees, generally known as “king of
bitters,” is an herbaceous plant in the family Acanthaceae. In China,
India, Thailand, and Malaysia, this plant has been widely used for treating
sore throat, flu, and upper respiratory tract infections. Andrographolide,
a major bioactive chemical constituent of the plant, has shown anticancer
potential in various investigations. Andrographolide and its derivatives
have anti-inflammatory effects in experimental models asthma, stroke, and
arthritis. In recent years, pharmaceutical chemists have synthesized
numerous andrographolide derivatives, which exhibit essential
pharmacological activities such as those that are anti-inflammatory,
antibacterial, antitumor, antidiabetic, antifeedant, and

So, what's it gonna be? Chemicals and drugs to boost immunity or
Mother Nature?

Don't be the "butt" of Big Pharma's joke...Order Immune FX at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist