Subject: ~Natural Products Association Hates These Pills!


The Natural Products Association (NPA) hates my pills…and they
want all the testimonials about them, gone!

If you don't know, the NPA is one of the industry's biggest leaders. They
attempt to set the standards of what is sold...

I recently received several email threats saying that my fan’s “direct
quotes had to be removed from all my products for false advertising.”

Give me a break!

I’m not removing anything until they remove their wafer thin disguise:

From 2011 to 2014, the NPA was run by Daniel Fabricant. Before that,
Daniel was the head of the FDA’s division of dietary supplement programs!
And today, you can bet that the new guy in charge is also a
pharmaceutically compliant ape masquerading as a natural products

This is virtually unknown among the nutrition market, as seen by their
constant pandering to the NPA…Monkey see monkey do.

And the NPA loves it. Their entire existence is based on manipulating
online “health gurus,” “doctors,” and “alternative medicine
practitioners” into pushing vitamins - made in a lab - that do more harm
than good (think: Life Extension, Mercola, etc.).

For example, Mercola’s website states, “Researchers have pointed out
that increasing levels of vitamin D3 among the general population could
prevent chronic diseases that claim nearly one million lives throughout the
world each year.”

Hold it right there…

Vitamin D (known as D2 or D3) is a manmade DRUG, not a natural vitamin.
How or why the fuck would we need increasing levels?

When ingested, synthetic vitamin D products mobilize calcium from bones
into the bloodstream…causing hypercalcemia, kidney failure, central
nervous system depression (which can lead to depression and lack of
energy), and heart failure. In other words, taking vitamin D2 or D3 can
force your heart to stop working.

Where’s the warning for that?

It’s not there…because if people knew the truth, they wouldn’t buy
the shit.

…no wonder so many “health gurus” are tripping over themselves to
sell synthetic pills…fortifying their shakes and supplements with these
fake counterparts, and schmoozing at NPA networking events in order to get
their products sold at Whole Foods…It’s pornographic almost

But everyone’s doing it and everyone is making money off it. (Insert ape
sound here.)

PANDERING is what fuels this pathetic, vitamin and supplement machine.
It’s is the art of sniffing other people’s drawers, giving online
fellatio via heavy tweeting and praising their egos, while appealing to the
lowest common denominator — greed. Maybe if they’re “friendly”
enough they’ll get their products onto the shelves of Vitamin Shoppe!

I have a strict policy against pandering…I sure as hell wouldn't take
advice from an organization that spends millions of dollars lobbying to
keep poor quality standards in place.

Why in the hell would I delete any of my testimonials?!?

Over the last 10+ years, tens of thousands of people have emailed me
sharing them

Tom, a pilot aged 65, wrote: “After a heart attack and years of taking
meds, they weren’t doing any good. I decided to try Cardio FX
( and Cinnergy ( from The
People’s Chemist and slowly took myself off the drugs. Feeling much
better, I got my pilot’s license and finished building my land and sea
plane! A check with my general practitioner, and the V.A. said everything
was within limits! Oh, and when I went off the meds, within a month I’d
lost 10 pounds.”

Larry, another TPC fan, wrote: “I have been using your products for a
couple of years and they are awesome! Last year my son and I climbed Mt.
Whitney (14,500 ft.) - 68 miles in 5 days with a 40 lb pack. Cardio FX
( and Whey Advanced ( were my
lifeline to keep up with my 17 yo son. Thanks for all your products and
keeping them clean and mean!”

Janet from California wrote: “My husband was on 8 different meds for Type
II diabetes. After 3 months, he was off all of them, with normal blood
sugar and 15 pounds lighter! I feel like I got my husband back!”

Bam! And Jennifer, age 74, told me: “My knees were the problem
( I had lived up in the snow and ice most of my life
and did some damage to my knees from falling.”

“All the Dr. wanted me to do was ‘double up’ on Aleve. That's how
they solved the problem. I said no. I went to another Dr. and they gave me
shots in both knees and promised great results. The shots were once a week
for 5 weeks. The results were fair and did not last long. I read Shane's
book, which offered me another chance to solve my problem. I ordered Joint
FX ( and it worked.”

“I couldn't walk without Joint FX. Now I recommend it to everyone I know
or meet that I see limping. It was wonderful to see my neighbor walking her
dog and without her cane. I strayed one time from Joint FX and tried
another product that was less expensive…and I sure did regret it. I’m a
believer and I rely on Joint FX and prayer.”

…On and on and on!

That’s just a small handful of users representing countless success

As a medicinal chemist, my sole mission is to provide safe, effective,
truly natural products that deliver MEASURABLE RESULTS…and to share them.
Now, I’ll just be bolstering my testimonials by using photos.

…thanks NPA for the motivation.

I’ve dedicated my entire professional career to exposing the lies of
Pharma (in all their various forms)…while giving users the ability and
choice to live young through botanical, natural products.

Living young starts with throwing away your toxic Vitamin D pills,
synthetic calcium pills, and fake folic acid…and FIRING the “health
gurus” who are pushing that shit onto you in the first place, because
they don’t know any better.

Learn more at

So yea, screw the NPA and their Expos. With them it’s just “follow the
fucking leader.” Sheep in a pasture being led by the biggest ape with the
best pandering, not science…

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. There’s a reason why TPC fans live young, well beyond their peers
who are stuck rotting away while taking 5-10+ meds drugs and contaminated
supplements. TPC fans know that perfect health is a CHOICE — and it
starts with throwing away contaminated vitamins and supplements that are
nothing more than “drugs” in disguise.

For a truly safe multivitamin, turn to Daily Dose at
(and remember…synthetic Vitamin D2 and D3 pills are DANGEROUS for your
heart! This page explains why! ==>