Subject: ~Natural Gout and Joint Cure!


3 million Americans suffer from gout every year.

My wife had gout for the first time when we were vacationing in Sedona.  She had no idea what the hell was stabbing her…I pulled out Joint FX and said, “Take this, it will be gone by tomorrow.”

“No way, she insisted.”

“Yes! And it’ll be like magic and you’ll want to marry me all over again.”

You can’t enjoy a vacation with gout...Heck, you can't enjoy life with gout.

At 60 years old, Jim wrote to me about his gout attack…and how he also squashed it using my ultra-potent joint formula, Joint FX (

“The attack started to come on while I was on the treadmill,” he writes. “By the time I went to bed, it was only moderately bad — which I attribute to taking Joint FX ( The next morning was
not so pleasant. I took two more capsules and a little after lunch, a couple more. By 4:00, all symptoms were gone... Yippee... Great product!”

As a medicinal chemist, I designed Joint FX to safely eliminate all forms of grinding joint pain…including pain from gout. It works by dissolving the painful crystals that form deep within the joints.

It’s of course far safer and more effective than prescription and over-the-counter drugs…It’s non toxic and works to CURE the pain not MASK it.

Whereas most people default to taking anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) in an effort to relieve pain and shorten the length of an attack…using NSAIDS comes at a steep price.

The New England Journal of Medicine stated, “It has been estimated conservatively that 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur among patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis every year in the United States.”

MedPageToday showed that, “Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including low-dose aspirin, are behind a third of all hospitalizations and deaths associated with GI (gastrointestinal) bleeding.”

NSAIDS include aspirin and ibuprofen…so before you swallow these “silent killers,” consider trying out Joint FX instead!

Packed with 4 powerful ingredients from Mother Nature, Joint FX soothes joint pain quickly and safely. Unlike NSAIDS, it won’t cause internal bleeding or rob you of life. For the hippies out there, Joint FX is raw, organic, gluten-free, non-GMO, no-soy, and contains ZERO excipients and
ZERO toxic ingredients.


“My gout attack was over in about 20 hours with Joint FX...what a lifesaver,” says Jim. “I bought my first bottle about 2 months ago and generally take two capsules before going to the gym every day. This really works. Softens the blow and quickly makes the problem go away. Kudos on
another great product... it’s not inexpensive, but it’s worth the results. Thank you. If I got no more out of it than that, it would be more than worth the price of admission. I ordered another bottle today just to make sure I have it on hand.”

Based on the safety and effectiveness compared to deadly prescription drugs, Joint FX should be $100, easy. But, it’s not. It’s priced so that anyone can afford it.

If you suffer from gout, you’ll definitely want to stock up on this product.


Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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