Subject: Natural Face Lift


Ever wonder how to keep your face looking as young as possible?

My wife owns a beauty salon.  And many of her clients over 50 are eager to undergo cosmetic surgery in order to look as young as possible.  She is quick to teach them about using alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) as a natural and safe alternative. 

She explains that, "when consumed, ALA activates an anti-wrinkle agent within your skin cells known as AP-1.  Working in unison AP-1 and ALA promote the digestion of damaged, wrinkle-inducing collagen.  This helps get rid of unsightly wrinkles.  And if you don't have ALA in your diet, wrinkles come on like gangbusters.  Without ALA, AP-1 can begin to make you look older beyond your years.  By itself, it increases free radical production within the skin cell, and everyone knows that oxidative stress is a no-no.  It causes the cell to produce collagen damaging and micro-scarring enzymes!  Premature aging skin is the end result.  To stop the degradation, 200 to 400mg of ALA must be consumed daily.  If not consumed as a dietary supplement, it can be obtained from spinach and broccoli.  I have some for sale on that shelf over there."

Dazed and confused most clients ask, "How do you know this?"  The answer:  "My husband is an ex-drug design chemist for Big Pharma.  He loves ALA and dislikes the drug industry." 

Click here to learn how to use ALA with another vitally important nutrient, ALCAR:

Extending your Expiration Date!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Don't forget to read The People's Chemist quote of the week - updated weekly, usually.