Subject: Natural Cure Discount to Protect Entire Family


It's really hard to convey the dangers of taking over-the-counter

pain meds.  Unlike a car accident, the risky outcomes of taking 

drugs as indicated happen so slowly, that their imminent threat is 

usually looked over.  And when you write about them, it's hard to 

point out exactly what went wrong 'cause its usually a few things 


Take former White House aid Antonio Benedi as an example.  He got 

the flu and started taking Tylenol for pain in the morning.  At dinner, 

he stuck to his routine of enjoying three glasses of wine.  His liver failed and he 

eventually had a transplant.  

At which point did the damage begin?  With the wine or the Tylenol?  The body 

knows how to process wine, but not Tylenol.  Put them together over time, and 

you have the perfect storm for liver failure...The same could happen to anyone drinking

toxic tap water, and taking Tylenol for sore muscles...

(Benedi eventually sued Tylenol makers and was awarded $8 million.  Think the other 

tens of thousands of victims were this lucky?  Yea right!)

You have alternatives to pharmaceutical pain killers!  To prove it, and to 

put a stop to innocent people being "shellacked" by OTC pain meds, I'm 

giving away Relief FX at 25% off only while supplies last.  Buy here:

Don’t Let Commonly Used Pain Killers like Tylenol And Aspirin Seriously 

Damage Your Liver - Forever!  According to the New England Journal 

of Medicine prescription and over-the-counter pain killers kill over 

16,000 people annually. If you use Celebrex, Tylenol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen 

or Motrin, isn’t it time you switched to Relief FX?

According to a recent study reported in the Journal of the American 

Medical Association, even short term use of acetaminophen can cause 

serious health problems for your liver.

Healthy participants with no sign of liver failure used acetaminophen at 

recommended doses for only four days. At the end of the four days, 

blood tests revealed significant increases in certain liver enzymes which 

have been shown in the past to be key indicators of serious problems and 

damage occurring in the liver.

The danger of OTC pain killers arises from their detrimental effect on the liver.  

Your liver is your number one weapon against toxic exposure. Just like it 

wards off a hangover, it can remove or neutralize toxins from the blood. 

It’s also mandatory for boosting immunity and protecting the body from 

viral and bacterial infection. But it’s not invincible. When it gets damaged, 

it leaks enzymes into the bloodstream. Your health tailspins!

Relief FX is a non-toxic alternative to risky meds, and it works!  See what it 

feels like to be a mom who can soothe her child without risky meeds:

"One 117 lb/ 5'7" 12 year old w a migraine (pain from 1-10 is at 8/9).

Two ReliefFX. 20 minutes. Pain from 1-10 at 3/4.  She's sleeping.  Shane. 

I'm in tears. Nothing has helped my baby until now. "Thank you" seems 

so inadequate. But I do thank you. You have kids so I'm sure you too feel 

you'd take on every ounce of their pain for them. You're product is truly an 

answer to our prayers. God is good! May He bless you richly!" 

- Posted on my Facebook wall

Again, You have alternatives to pharmaceutical pain killers!  To prove it, and 

to put a stop to innocent people being "shellacked" by OTC pain meds, I'm 

giving away Relief FX at 25% off only while supplies last.  Buy here:

Dare to live young!

The People's chemist