Subject: NY Times Right! Exercise Causes Obesity!

Why Exercise Causes Weight Gain 
With three kids running around, not much grabs my attention in the headlines. But last Sunday, something did. The New York Times highlighted a study showing that exercise usually causes weight gain.

It's rare that a headline gets it right. 

But this one nailed it. 

As I showed in The Stop Eating So F#$%ing Much Diet book, exercise can be your worst enemy if you're doing it wrong. 

Here's the quote:

"Exercise has innumerable health benefits, but losing weight may not be among them. A provocative new study shows that a substantial number of people who take up an exercise regimen wind up heavier afterward than they were at the start, with the weight gain due mostly to extra fat, not muscle."

One simple reason why exercise causes weight gain:

Most people are "hormone wimps!" 

This means that their hormones are conspiring against them rather than working for them! 

Due to the Standard American Diet (SAD) and use of prescription drugs, the body has stopped responding to exercise.  No matter how much you crush it in the gym, your fat storing hormones spike and your hunger hormones go nuts when physical activity takes place...A deadly combo.

For instance, if you're drinking juice or sports drinks during exercise, you're raising insulin, which stores fat. Once insulin is removed, you're going to feel this as FALSE HUNGER and start eating.  The end result is more junk calories in than out.

Another scenario:  You're taking BP drugs.  They block key metabolic triggers in your body.  When you exercise, the adrenal gland release compounds designed to activate these triggers.  Covered up with BP meds, the trigger fails to be ignited.  You fail to burn any fat calories.

In both scenarios, your better off sitting on a couch, reading a book...Exercise becomes a waste of time.  You gain weight.

To find out if such scenarios are holding you back, take the Hormone Wimp Test:
  • Are you eating "low-cal" sport bars or pre-packaged foods?
  • Are you using an FDA approved drug as a diet pill?
  • Are you on blood pressure meds?
  • Are you taking a cholesterol lowering drug?
  • Are you taking anti-depressants?
  • Are you snacking?
  • Are you eating more than 3 meals per day?
  • Are you juicing or fasting with apples and oranges daily?
  • Are you ingesting bio-identical hormones that aren't made by your body?
  • Are you eating fruit?
  • Are you eating one meal per day?
  • Are you skipping breakfast?
All of these scenarios will screw up your hormones.  

If you answered YES to any single one of them, your body is carrying excess weight. And that's just a sign of worse things to come like heart disease and cancer.

Fortunately, there's a very simple remedy that requires only 6 simple habits!

By adhering to the 6 habits outlined in The Stop Eating So #$%ing Much Diet, you prime your hormones to respond to exercise. That's not all. You also trigger feel good molecules that will curb hunger, depression and anxiety. Basically, you get your life back and you look great doing it.

Learn more at

Order TODAY and I'll throw in a FREE audio CD that outlines 8 Weight Loss Lies That Can Permanently Harm You, FREE!

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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