Subject: ~NOTICE: Sale Ends in 7 Hours

Just a quick, courtesy email to let you know that my Cardio FX sale ends in
about 7 hours. You can buy this ultra-potent hawthorn supplement
for 15% off and get a FREE audio CD that outlines the most dangerous
diets. This is a 3-pack offer only and I have not advertised it anywhere
on my web page. It's exclusive to subscribers!

Cardio FX works so well because it is loaded with naturally occurring
compounds called flavonoids, thanks to hawthorn, garlic and grape seed
extract along with magnesium citrate.

Flavonoids are proven to strengthen the heart muscle, stop clots
and relax the arteries to lower blood pressure. It's the most widely
used medicine in Germany for cardiovascular health. Even scientists
from Harvard have discovered its heart healing abilities.

I don't ever miss a workout without it!

You can't find a better deal on this bundle of nutrients...In fact you won't
find these nutrients anywhere. You might find bottles labeled with these
ingredients, but nine times out of ten, you won't find the active ingredients
in the capsule.

True story!

Order now at:

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. The CD itself is worth the entire expense! Ever thought about low-carb?
What about bioidenticals? Or high protein? It's all covered!!!!!