Subject: ~NIH Science on Milk Thistle!


Lots of excitement about my milk thistle product, Cinnergy!

I thought everyone knew that it was nature's detox miracle...

Guess not.

Well, fortunately, there's a ton of science behind the vast benefits
of milk thistle.

You can thank Big Pharma for that...or can you?

They've been working behind the scenes trying to create a synthetic
version of milk thistle that they can patent and call their own for decades.

It works like this:

Study natural medicine via a college lab.

Publish the results to get govt funding for that college.

Get your research paid for.

Bury the positive findings of the the natural medicine.

Make a chemical cousin (mimic) of the natural medicine.

Call your chemists amazing.

Introduce "your" new product.

Get people hooked on the inferior, more dangerous, man-made mimic.

Enter milk thistle. The active ingredient is silymarin.

(Yes, as in, "silly you don't know about it.")

Here's what their research found according to The National Institutes of
Health (NIH).

- Milk thistle is a plant whose fruit and seeds have been used for more
than 2,000 years as a treatment for liver and biliary disorders.

- The active substance in milk thistle is silymarin derivatives.

- Laboratory studies demonstrate that silymarin stabilizes cellular
membranes, stimulates detoxification pathways, stimulates regeneration
of liver tissue, inhibits the growth of certain cancer cell lines, and exerts
direct cytotoxic activity toward certain cancer cell lines.

And why aren't you using this through the holiday season?

The barrage of sugar, alcohol, food toxins and preservatives are 4 reasons
you should take

And when you do, you wake up refreshed, ready to attack the day.

You can feel it work that well!

We are shipping all through the holiday season. Get milk thistle at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist