Subject: NEW! This Sleep Pill Stops Cancer?


Lily asked me yesterday, “What causes your anti-cancer genes
to stop working?”

In science class, she learned that our DNA is equipped with special
genes that ward off cancer.

Still, cancer is the number one killer in the USA.

Naturally, she wanted to know why the genes stop helping us.

I was honest. I said, “we don’t know.”

There are far too many variables in life to know exactly what’s controlling
our DNA. But, one thing is certain...Every cell has a primal defense mechanism
that fends of cancer and we need to ensure it’s always working.

To stress my point, I told her that this defense mechanism was
stronger than the WWF Wrestler and Hollywood muscle man “The Rock.”

My wife intervened. “Nobody is stronger than The Rock.”

“Oh please...The Rock can’t even spell DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid,” I said.

“He doesn’t have to! He can do anything he wants,” she said correcting me...

“As long as it’s not with you...Can I finish now?”

I was sorry for bringing The Rock into it...I think she jumped on Facebook to
check for updates on his fan page...

Where was I?

OK...”What causes anti-cancer genes to stop working?”

Hard to say. But one thing is certain. Lack of DEEP sleep will shut off
your DNA faster than most bad habits!

I had my daughters attention...This was going to make bedtime a hell of
a lot easier! Maybe now the process wouldn’t start 30 minutes prior.

A recent study found that lack of sleep shuts down the activity of over 700 different
genes! Scientists concluded that those affected by poor sleep lost genes responsible for controlling circadian rhythms, inflammation, immunity, stress, metabolism and cancer.

I explained that our habits - especially sleep habits - create and eradicate

“Anything that can help form good habits is going to ensure that our anti-
cancer genes are working over time. And that means we can experience
more of what life has to offer, like more kisses goodnight!”

Then, I taught her the importance of natural medicine.

“Sometimes, the body needs help sticking to good habits.”

That’s where nature comes in...

Nature has provided some very powerful knock-out herbs that helps
us sleep our way to abundant health. That’s why I created SerotoninFX.

It works.

Take it from these unsolicited testimonials:

"My wife is a drug rep and very reluctant to try anything
natural…I have no idea why. But anyway, she tried it
reluctantly during stressful time, and has been using it ever
since! That was 6 months ago! She is noticeably more cheerful,
doesn’t snack anymore and rarely eats as many “granola
bars,” which were her sweet fix. She also went from 145 to
132lbs! Thank you!”


"The Serotonin FX has changed my life. I've been on it a couple of
weeks and can't believe the consistant sleep I get every night.
Even when I wake up I can fall back to sleep, which is a huge
deal for me! Thanks for bringing this wonderful product to us!"
– Lori, Coloroado

Click below to learn how to get deep restful sleep that will add more
years to your life:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist