Subject: NEW! Give Me 30 Days! I'll Give You $100


Warning: This is where I start writing whatever I think, without
considering the consequences or even proof reading...Ironic that
I’m going “unplugged” on the day of my official book

I only need 30 days from you!

And best of all, you don't need to like me ‘cause this
book is about you not me – you living healthier and paying less
with Over-The-Counter Natural Cures!

Over-The-Counter Natural Cures is a first of its kind.

Most health writers suffer from restless lip syndrome. They
talk endlessly about whatever trends might exist at the time to
bolster sales. You know what I’m talking about...

“Choke down vitamin D pills to ward off infection.”

“Get your Omega-3 fatty acids to lower inflammation.”

“Live forever with daily use of resveratrol.”

“Suck down juicy juice to stop joint pain.”

“All moms should be getting 400mcg of folic acid via a
prenatal vitamin.”

These are nothing more than an arsenal of sleazy sales lines
designed to destroy your income and leave you in a poor state of

If not ill with restless lip syndrome, health writers are guilty
of “bedding the rules” in order to make their work seem more
practical and beneficial than it really is – think Oprah
Trainer Bob Greene. He’ll commit media fellatio with any
corporate food chain to “bed the rules” to sell books.
It’s no different than sales rep. Mrs. Pretty who knows that
she’s gonna have to start “bedding the rules” in order to
win doc’s over and sell drugs.

Over-The-Counter Natural Cures is putting an end to the madness.

It’s the first and only book designed to help you take charge
of your health in 30 days with 10 lifesaving supplements for
under $10.

You can find these supplements anywhere! And, I paid over
$10,000 to have each one tested for quality.

When you buy the book, not only will you learn to live healthier
and pay less, you’ll also get access to all of the testing results
for free.

Get in Your Skinny Jeans, Plummet your Blood Sugar, Stop Cancer
in its Tracks, Bolster immunity, Banish Wrinkles, Rock Your
Libido, Live Healthier and Pay Less.

Learn how to get a $100 bonus by purchasing the book today at Visit

Ends in less than 24 hours!

Live Young!
Shane Ellison
Author, Organic Chemist