Subject: ~Mysterious Cause of Low Testosterone!


This morning I launched an insane deal of Raw-T, my all-natural
testosterone "primer."

I don't like calling it a booster because it does more than that. (But,
I do from time to time.)

By primer, I mean that Raw-T reconnects you to your own unique
testosterone balance, output and sensitivity (BOS).

There's no doctor or medicine on God's green Earth that can help
you do this. So, instead, they just slather you up with testosterone gels.

But, these are synthetic copycats of your OWN testosterone.

In time, testosterone gels shut down your manhood. Your testosterone
BOS ceases to exist because prescription testosterone "overrides" your
one-of-a-kind hormonal landscape. Endogenous (internal) testosterone
ceases to be's like getting your balls chopped off, slowly.

So, if your wife hasn't done it already, your doctor and the gels did.

But that's not one of the mysterious causes of low-T.

Cholesterol lowering drugs and blood pressure medications are the
mysterious causes of low-t...millions of men right now on these
meds have no idea.

Cholesterol lowering meds reduce the main precursor to testosterone
production, ie CHOLESTEROL! No cholesterol precursor, no
testosterone. It's like, no annoying people, no "Shaniac."

It's that simple.

Blood pressure meds increase obesity, which causes more sugar to
float in the blood. In turn, a molecule known as aromatase is produced
that converts testosterone to...are you ready for this? estrogen!

So, if you want to take advantage or my Raw-T offer and overcome all
the mysterious causes of low manhood, click here:

I'm going to give a free audio CD that outlines 8 Weight Loss Lies that
Can Permanently Harm You. But, since I'm such a nice guy and I know
that women are dying for their men to get in shape, I'm tossing in my free
diet book, which outlines 6 habits that every man needs to master their
best body, finally!


Am I qualified to speak on testosterone and hormone balance, output
and sensitivity?

Probably not by most traditional standards. I have no "followers"
or "friends" on any social media platform. That's a big fat ZERO.

I cuss. I had my nipples pierced for about 10 years. And when I was in
high school, I smuggled steroids across the border to sell to bodybuilders
and wanna-be wrestlers. It was easy, just keep your cool.

(I knew more back then about hormones than most doctors do now...just ask them
about sugar's effect on aromatase and estrogen to see for yourself.)

However, since that time, I've used my knowledge of hormones to
get a Bachelor of Science degree and a Masters of Science in
chemistry. For that I was awarded graduate student of the year.

I've used this same knowledge of hormone chemistry to help my wife
win the Arnold Classic Amateur, have 4 healthy children at home and
so much more...Heck, I used it to finally lose 30lbs so I could compete
and win a world title in jiu-jitsu. And guess what? LAst week, my 14 year
old was one of eight girls to qualify for USA Weightlifting nationals in Austin,

That's only 4 weeks away! (Go Lily!)

I'm only telling you this in full disclosure so you understand that I'm not
some fat ass sitting behind a computer selling you total shit.

This is the real deal.

Get the FREE deal before it's too late:

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Yes, this offer ends tonight! It takes 3 minutes to order and