Subject: ~My wife after 4 kids, at 40 Years Old (Recent Pic!)


You can't be overweight and healthy at the same time...

I've been living this mantra my entire life.

Though, I haven't always been at my perfect weight.

There was a time when I ate candy (Nerds), drank Mountain Dew
and regularly had meatball sandwiches from Subway.

And even better, I had a partner in crime.

Her name was Lea-Ann, and she was my girlfriend.

That was 20 years ago!

I was a graduate student in chemistry. I spent 15 hours a day teaching,
studying and reading chemistry. Another 2-3 hours was spent studying.
Spare time was dedicated to sleep.

We rarely saw each other.

In the mornings, Lea-Ann went to beauty school. Then she sold wedding
dresses for a few hours during lunch. After that, she cut hair at a nearby salon.
Once night hit, she waited tables at Chili's.

We didn't have cell phones, social media or a dollar in savings. We just
had a work ethic.

Then her ovarian cysts came on like gangbusters....I was becoming bloated
and fat.

We were both insulin resistant.

Her struggles began the day she was "put on the pill."

Mine started with the Mountain Dew addiction.

At her doctor's appointment, they insisted she had Polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS)...and it was doubtful she'd ever have kids...

Then we had a pow wow.

I comforted her by saying, "the doctor is f@#cking full of shit. We need
to wean you from the pill, ditch the prescriptions, and reverse your
insulin resistance."

And that we did...since then she has had 4 kids, won The Arnold Amateur,
turned 40 years old and mastered all her hormones.

Yesterday we took some impromptu shots as motivation for others to
start shedding the excuses:

Click the above to see her pics and learn 5 tips for getting your best

Forget Keto, forget "intermittent fasting," forget eating 4-6 meals a

Get the facts!

Scroll and read!

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

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