Subject: ~My half naked pics outrage readers!???


All I wanted to do was give busy people an easy way
to exercise! So, I posted a simple 18-minute exercise
routine along with my "fat and after" photos.

Then all hell broke loose.

"Stop sending me pornographic material," one reader
emailed me.

Another said, "Your ego must be growing. Your site is nothing but
bikini and bare-chested skin. Take me off your list."

Are you kidding me?

I bare all so that people know I'm not a scammer, using the Internet
to "successorize" myself. The pics are designed to show the real me.
Nothing fake. That's to my readers advantage!

I'll let you be the judge.

Check out the FREE 18-minute workout you can do anywhere:

Post your comments.

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist