Subject: My anti-vaccine quotes in USA TODAY! HELP!


As you know, I'm always fighting for vaccine safety!

Today, millions of kids are left without a voice, and
are victims of excessive vaccination.

On Sunday, I was featured in USA Today. 99% of
my interview was left out.

I need your help.

Go to the link below and make your voice heard under the
comments section! Tell people what you think!

Feel free to use whatever you need from my vaccine article
to help clarify your points!

If you're pro-vaccine, that's ok too. I'm all for vaccines that
are proven safe and effective!

Fortunately, we don't need vaccination for immunization!

Beware, the USA Today article has some very horrible images.
I'm sad for these parents who have suffered. But, sad images and stories
of illness are not evidence for the need of vaccines!

Dare to live young!

The People's chemist