Subject: ~My N0-Pesticide Promise!


Just got back from vacation. There's a million things to catch
up on. but, today is dedicated to Quality Control (QC)! Phone and
computer are off. It's time to test purity and quality...

This is the most important aspect of any nutritional supplement

Purity is the badge for obsessive chemists.

Whether it's chromatography or crystallization, the arduously slow
process of separating the bad from the good is the true measure of a
chemist's ability.

As the people's chemist, I promise to ensure that every pill has the
required medicinal ingredients...For instance, Cardio FX contains hawthorn
and grape seed extract for their active ingredients known as procyanidins.

These are the heart healthy compounds that lower blood pressure, bust
unruly blood clots and increase oxygen and nutrient. If you don't test these
raw materials before encapsulating, there's no guarantee that they'll
have the right amount of actives for a medicinal effect!

I also test to ensure that the raw materials don't have any heavy metals
or viral and bacterial infection. But most important, I have a strict

My QC guarantees this because pesticides are among the biggest cancer
causing agents in the environment today.

Most companies don't even have QC in place!

The New York Times reported on a study done by the General Accounting
Office (GAO)...They found that "16 of the 40 supplements tested contained
pesticide residues that appeared to exceed legal limits, the investigators
found. In some cases, the government has not set allowable levels of these
pesticides because of a paucity of scientific research."

The 3 pillars of living young are detox, nutrient logic and hormone
intelligence. One single pesticide-laced pill destroys all 3!

That's why I devote the majority of my time to QC...It's slow, boring
and incredibly important!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. My hawthorn-rich Cardio FX has the highest content of procyanidins
required for heart health compared to any hawthorn on the market!
Why would you trust your heart to anything else? It's nutrient logic at it's best:
Give your heart the nutrients it needs to live young...Learn more at

P.P.S. 2016 is blowing up at Our fans across the ocean
will be happy to hear that we are working to produce and ship directly
from the UK and Australia...It seems that poor QC is rampant worldwide
and TPC is gonna fix it!