Subject: ~My 15 yo stronger than varsity football team?

Strength and Muscle with Insulin Sensitivity
I snapped this yesterday while my 15 year old daughter was warming up...Ranked 15th in the nation for Olympic Lifting, she's stronger than most high school football players. 

She weighs 118 lbs.

To ensure her success, I always watch her diet to make sure she's INSULIN SENSITIVE.  The more sensitive you are to insulin, the more energy and strength you have.  In contrast, most of her peers are insulin resistant.

“Insulin resistance” is a description for what happens when muscle cells resist the glucose (sugar) and nutrient delivery actions of insulin, causing blood sugar to soar. The normal range for fasting blood sugar is 85–95 ng/dl. But when insulin resistance sets in, levels spike to 110–125. That’s the start of hormonal ignorance.

Like an alcoholic who has to consume more drinks to get the same intoxicating results, the pancreas responds to higher blood sugar by unleashing greater amounts of insulin to force feed the muscles. 

But the cells continue to resist the sugar push. 

Chemically, the tidal wave of insulin causes receptors to get “gummed-up.” The muscle cells fail to vacuum sugar from the blood in response to the actions of insulin – a process known as phosphorylation is no longer effective at protecting the body from high sugar levels.

Without sugar and nutrients entering muscle cells, hormonal dynamics that control metabolism and health go AWOL. The hormones ghrelin, leptin and cholecystokinin fail to work in an orchestra-like unison to regulate hunger, appetite, food intake, and the feeling of being full.

Teens who experience this go through depression, lack energy and in time grow obese and diabetic.  Females will have painful menstrual cycles and ovarian cysts...

Ultimately, the hormone receptors become incapable of recognizing their hormone counterparts, and metabolism comes to a screeching halt as blood sugar and insulin levels rise, due to insulin resistance. Our willpower becomes wiped out and the brain screams eat, eat eat... we start eating way too fucking much while the body does nothing but store, store store.

Over time, appetite and food intake can diminish, but hormonal ignorance will continue to prevent weight loss, as calories consumed continue to be packed away as visceral fat. This is the abdominal fat which accumulates around your organs. 

Fat around the organs is the most dangerous type of fat, because it “oozes” inflammatory chemicals, which fuel the flames of heart disease.

As hormonal ignorance dominates, human growth hormone (hGH) fails to preserve the skin and muscle tone, and a host of other hormonal systems fizzle out, making us candidates for high blood pressure, Type II diabetes, cancer, stroke and heart attack. The output and balance of testosterone and your sensitivity to it also dissipates.

This hormonal nightmare is a global phenomenon that affects hundreds of millions worldwide and can eliminate decades from our lifespan. We are now living in the first generation of man where life expectancy is moving backwards because of insulin resistance!

To remain fit and strong, Lily only eats 3 meals per day.  They are
always made up of raw milk, red meat, coconut oil, veggies, seeds, nuts, water, avocados, chicken, egg based pasta, butter and only minimal fruit during hard lifting days.

Her supplements are Whey Advanced (www.getwheyadvanced) and Daily Dose (  During her monthly, she supplements with lithium salts (as discussed in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded) and Serotonin FX to maximize deep REM sleep.  

If someone is battling insulin resistance or diabetes, the sure-fire way to reverse it in 30 days is via - a 90 day program that masters your hormones with 6 simple habits.  

It's a no lose for people ready to kick diabetes in the ass and boost
athletic performance.

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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