Subject: My 12 -Year Old Ignores This Advice (Good thing, too!)

My Son Doesn't Follow This Advice...And It Saves Him Valuable Time and Wasted Effort! (FREE Offer Below!)
Wrestling is the toughest sport on the planet. And if you want to win, you have to always strive to be the best version of yourself. Low body fat, lots of muscle and a water cut for weigh in helps ensure it. 

(You still need a mind of steel, which you can't teach.)

To that end, my son Blair isn't allowed to follow any of the typical dieting trends that hold so many people back...nor is he allowed to drink Gatorades, Vitamin Water or Powerade.

As a wrestler, he understands that he has to be at the top of his game, and that none of that junk is going to help him...He also knows to ignore diet trends.

Whether you're eating like a "caveman," choosing "organic" or "vegetarian," it doesn't matter. You're overweight because your hormones are conspiring against you – thanks to the chemical shit storm we now call food.

Former FDA Commissioner Dr. David Kessler has warned that thousands of unapproved chemical flavors are "hijacking our brain." Most are oblivious to the assault.

Once the chemical flavors glide over your taste buds, they force you into eating too f#@%ing much by making you constantly hungry.

Proper hormone function is suffocated, too.

Dieting - skipping meals - only makes it worse.

Time magazine highlighted this, writing that, "A new study by Australian researchers helps explain why [dieters can't lose weight]: a symphony of hormonal changes sends the body relentless signals to slow metabolism and increase the urge to eat, for at least a year after weight loss.

Instead of focusing on hormones, the "experts" dribble out diet advice like:
  • "Just exercise more"
  • "Take Synthroid for your thyroid"
  • "Graze, eat 4-6 small meals per day"
  • "Stop eating carbs"
  • "Quit eating red meat"
  • "Make sure you get your post-workout protein shake"
  • "Eat like a caveman"
  • "Try bioidenticals"
  • "Get testosterone cream"
These diet fads are all about selling…

They scare you into buying cookbooks purported to melt belly fat. They bully you into buying meatless mush marketed as "low-cal." And they torture you with new-fangled exercise routines.

And when all of this tomfoolery fails, they blame you!
Don't listen to them…Your life depends on it!

It's time you quit this no-win game and discover the real facts.

As a collegiate wrestler, I've been a student of metabolism for over 24 years. I've been studying hormone function for 17 of them and earned a masters degree in chemistry.
…With this experience, I wrote The "Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much" Diet.

No matter what diet people follow, weight always comes back. And that's because nobody is focusing on the real problem: HORMONES.

The only way to put an end to the fat gain curse is to master your hormones. An I wrote a book to show you exactly how to do this with 6 simple habits!

Hormones are everything. They're the chemical messengers that control appetite, metabolism, sleep, mood, libido, energy and even your genetics!

In The "Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much" Diet, I show how your delicate hormone balance has been ruined. Then, I teach you six simple habits that utilize rare, little-known "hormone cures" from nature. Each one is scientifically proven to help you get your best body and health in 90 days. At the same time you'll also:
  • Slow the biological aging process (protect DNA)
  • Stop food cravings
  • Pack on lean muscle (thanks to more testosterone)
  • Free yourself from the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes
Warning! Hormones like testosterone and estrogen from the pharmacy or your doctor won't help you!

Nobody knows your hormones better than your body. Your hormones – estrogen, testosterone, insulin, hGH, ghrelin – are unique to you.

You need to understand this…

Just like we all have our own fingerprint, we all have our own unique hormone profile. Anything else is a harmful fake.

Therefore, the key to getting your best body and health is to optimize your one-of-a-kind hormonal ecosystem with "The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet."

And that's exactly what this book teaches you – six simple habits that put nature's hormone cures to work for you. 
Once you start, you're on your way to getting noticed and feeling awesome again – far better than you ever felt when you were younger!

Juts like Blair, anyone can put these habits to work to be the best versions of themselves. For the next 4 hours, I'm offering the book with a FREE CD that outlines 8 Weight Loss Lies That Can Permanently Harm You!

That's what everyone - like fellow wrestling parents - fears. Nobody wants to be harmed by their diet.  I don't blame them. 

Get the answers AND YOUR BEST BODY NOW!

Save big now and get the CD for FREE when you buy "The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet" at
Dare to Live Young!
The People's Chemist

P.S. This is the absolute perfect book for athletes, diabetics, young AND old who want to carve out the best versions of themselves! Hurry, this sale is only going to last 4 hours! That's about how long it's going to take Blair to pack and sweat off the weight in a sauna! Get it now at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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