Subject: ~Must Have Relief FX!!!! Sale Back for 6 Hours!

There's been a rush of emails asking me to extend the Relief FX
sale. Over the last two days, I sold a record number of bottles.

Apparently though, not everyone got a chance to stock up. Die-hard
users were pushing for an extension of the 20% off!

"I haven't taken an OTC pain killer in over 6 months! Your Relief FX has
saved my liver and my life. PLEASE extend the sale so I can stock up."

Another fan wrote, "I started buying from The people's chemist when I
stumbled upon the Stop Eating so *&%$@#$^&# much diet book. I ordered it,
and soon after started ordering the Serotoninfx, which changed my family's
sleep habits immediately. Next I bought relieffx, and after taking
ibuprofen for 25 years like candy, I saw instant changes in how I felt
after beating pain naturally!! I LOVE relieffx, I can give it my 12 year
old son without worry, I use it for headaches and pms pains, it works so
great I could hardly believe it!"

I love hearing these stories.

But I can't discount my products too often. In fact, I think they're worth
DOUBLE the normal prices...But that's just me being a proud chemist.

And why not? My products work and I've enjoyed seeing their results for
more than a decade.

However, for the regular users, I'm extending the sale for 6 more hours.
Go ahead, stock up:

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If you're new and looking for risk free pain relief, now is a no-brainer
time to try it out! Go to